Treating Musculoskeletal Injuries

Musculoskeletal conditions are a leading factor in disability worldwide, and many of these injuries occur in the workplace from overuse or misuse. Once an injury occurs, not treating it properly can compound the problem, leading to lifelong dysfunction. Unfortunately many people think there isn’t a reliable treatment for such injuries so they don’t take the time to let them heal properly. When an injury occurs, it’s important to get it assessed and to start the work toward recovery.

Back pain alone leads to 264 million missed work days each year, and each individual suffering with back pain misses an average of 12 days a year because of it. Back pain is just one kind of pain caused by sitting at a desk too much. There are also many different stress injuries to neck and shoulder muscles, arms, and hands from poor ergonomics.

Repetitive strain injuries are another common form of injury caused in the workplace. These come from doing the same motions day in and day out, from typing all day to putting the same piece on a car in an assembly line all day.

In the long run, these injuries can lead to long term debilitating issues that can become compounded with age. Tightness is a sign of weakness and needs to be treated properly so that other muscles don’t have to overcompensate, leading to more injury. Physical therapy, massage, and Muscle Activation Techniques can all play a part in a patient’s recovery.

For some patients, physical therapy can be more effective than surgery at eliminating pain, and it has been shown to be effective for 43% of low back pain sufferers. Massage has also been proven to have healing powers, and one study found that massaged muscles had more blood vessels than their non-massaged counterparts.

Muscle Activation Techniques use careful analysis and strength training to improve muscle function. Learn more about Muscle Activation Techniques and other treatments for injuries from the infographic below.


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Written by Danielle White
Medical Writer & Editor

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