Many retirees run into a big problem when they first retire: they confuse happiness at being retired with being fulfilled in retirement. However, those are not the same, and when the happiness of “I don’t have to go to work today!” ends many retirees are left feeling confused, lost, and as though they have no purpose and are no longer needed. To combat this, retirees should find a purpose instead of just keeping busy–for example, studying something new, work on new goals, or consider your retirement an opportunity for a new start. Mentoring, teaching, or volunteering are also excellent ways to find purpose, as they can help you share your legacy and avoid feeling isolated. Doing pleasurable things like hobbies or visiting relatives in your retirement is one thing, but finding a purpose in your retirement can make you much happier and more fulfilled.
Key Points:
- 1Retirement can be exciting at first, but can also lead to unforeseen issues.
- 2You should be careful about when you decide to act on Social Security or other retirement benefits, using them early can be troublesome.
- 3You still need to be aggressive with investments in order to help keep a steady money flow.
Seeking and finding fulfillment and purpose in your retirement years is an admirable goal and you will live a happier life for it. Just be sure you’re not mistaking pleasure for fulfillment.
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