A article written by Forbes explains how you can plan for your future when you’re still in debt and paying on your student loans. It states that while paying for your debt and trying to plan for your future can seem like a almost impossible task, it’s really not as complicated as one might believe or think it is.
The first thing it talks about to do this is look at the money you have after you’ve payed up your bills and student loans it could be a $100 to $150 and maybe even less but if you save back a few dollars that can turn into $600 or more on the year that you’ve saved back for emergencies or future plans and $100 a month can turn into $1200 a year.
Also another very important thing the article mentions is to consider alternatives of funding dreams that you have rather than spending money, if you want to travel or do other things you can volunteer or apply for a job with organizations like Greenpeace which would allow you to turn your life into a adventure and still live that experience that you want all while saving money at the same time.
Saving while in debt may seem hard but with the right steps you can plan towards the future as well.
Here is how I started saving and planning for my future while tackling my student debt. #HealthStatus
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Key Points:
- 1Start your savings by looking at whatever you have remaining after rent and other necessities are covered; then put aside a portion of that remainder for the future.
- 2Discipline yourself to avoid fiscal temptations; controlling your spending and stopping impulse purchases will yield savings.
- 3If you think pursuing your dreams requires money, look for ways to realize them without needing to spend so you can save money and do things at the same time.