
Our Nutrition articles on

How to Eat Your Way to a Healthier Heart

When we come home from work or from working out or just having a day out, we often go to the cabinet or fridge to get a snack. Well if we want to see our grandkids and be able to enjoy the golden years, we need to make good decisions when picking out those yummy […]

Tricks for Travelers Constipation

Human body’s are quirky, and more importantly, sensitive. Changes in environment, such as altitude, barometric pressure, temperature, or internal changes, activated by stress, all these things impact the marvelous mechanism, known as the human body. Stomachs, in particular, are highly reactive. In fact, gut reactions are no joke, particularly when they involve traveler’s constipation. Traveling […]

You Need Better Protein NOT More Protein

Protein is an essential component of good health. However, there are a number of misconceptions about how much and what kind of protein we should consume. More protein isn’t always better. Instead, we should focus on consuming good protein at regular intervals throughout the day. People should eat about 1g protein / kg of body […]

Coconut: A Good Fat!

Coconuts have many uses, all seemingly healthy and good for you. First, the water inside a coconut is filled with electrolytes helping replenish the body after a vigorous workout. Also, eating a coconut gives you energy from the medium chain fatty acids that metabolize and convert to energy quickly. Many people also use coconut as […]

I Plan, Therefore I Am

To become who we want to be, whether it’s thinner, richer, or happier, sooner or later, we realize we must plan. Planning can, of course, take many forms. However, there are some underlying components essential to almost all variations. There is the need to see what it is you are currently doing. For example a […]

Feeling Blah? Here’s How to Hit the Reset Button

If you are feeling “blah” and can’t shake that feeling, your best way to kick that feeling is to engage in a detox. A detox is the perfect way to reset your food habits, often in the summer too many times do we let ourselves go with all of the good food and barbeques that […]


Iron Rich Foods

The human body is truly fascinating. Every process is meticulous while every component plays some sort of key role. The aspects of the body that people might deem insignificant are actually essential and crucial in sustaining an overall good state of health. Of course, the most efficient way to care for your body is through […]

Childhood Obesity Not Down in U.S.

Obesity in children and in teens in on the increase in the United States. Minority children are at the highest risk of being overweight and/or obese. This upward trend is problematic and weight gain in children has increased even though the intake of sugary drinks and fast food consumption has decreased. Those children who are […]

Article on Weight Loss Surgery as an Effective Option in Treating Diabetes Sheds Light on the …

With so many of us suffering from type 2 diabetes these days, sometimes obesity can be a factor in controlling your diabetes. The American Diabetes Association is well aware of this. The organization has set new guidelines that say that weight loss surgery or bariatric surgery is a treatment option for this disease. Now more […]

Senior Meal Planning Made Easy With Online Software

Who knew that technology could be a way to keep healthy and a highly beneficial way to keep track of a seniors’ nutritional needs? From diabetes, to a low sodium diet or healthy heart diet, there is software available for keeping track of meal plans and dietary needs of elderly individuals.