I Have PCOS: Can IVF Help Me Get Pregnant?

Many women who have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, also called PCOS, experience PCOS infertility. Frequently caused by Insulin Resistance, this condition is known for causing cystic ovaries and a variety of other symptoms, many of which are extremely painful and, if not addressed, can lead to serious complications. Infertility is among the numerous emotionally difficult symptoms associated with this disorder, which can cause a great deal of heartache for women who long to become mothers. For some of these women, in vitro fertilization (IVF) is the solution to PCOS fertility problems.

How PCOS Leads to Infertility

Several common symptoms of this disorder can contribute to infertility. Among them include:1

  1. Anovulation: The failure of the ovary to release an egg, resulting in a lack of ovulation.
  2. Oligovulation: Sporadic ovulation, occurring when eggs are released irregularly.
  3. Amenorrhea: A lack of a regular menstrual period.
  4. Oligomenorrhea: An irregular menstrual period.

Additionally, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is characterized by hyperandrogenism, which occurs when women experience high levels of androgens (male sex hormones, particularly testosterone). Due to hyperandrogenism, the eggs that are released during ovulation may be of poor quality.1 The low quality of these eggs can result in the inability to conceive or the inability to maintain a pregnancy.1

How IVF Can Help

Because a cure for the condition has yet to be developed, PCOS treatment is often focused on alleviating the symptoms of the disorder. In improving infertility, PCOS IVF is considered by many healthcare professionals to be a great option.

Traditional fertility treatment often encourages ovulation induction, which attempts to achieve natural ovulation and conception.1 Although this method is successful in helping women conceive, it carries with it a high risk of multiple pregnancies. In many cases, these pregnancies carry three or more children.1 IVF is a targeted fertility treatment that limits the amount of embryos within the uterus, reducing the risk of multiple pregnancies.1 For this reason, Dr. Geoffrey Sher, the author of the blog IVF Authority, believes it to be the best option for women who are both fighting PCOS and trying to conceive.1

Understanding the Odds

Although IVF has been proven as an effective fertility treatment, it is not a surefire method of conceiving a child. As with all fertility treatment options, IVF has many pros and cons that should be weighed before the procedure is undertaken. Women who are considering IVF are encouraged to speak with their doctors about the treatment.

The other thing a women suffering Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) might do is to look into the Insulite Labs supplements that are available. In particular, the PCOS System offers hormone-balancing effects that have been scientifically calibrated to reverse the condition. That means there is very much hope here, and, for women who properly educate themselves and take the precautions necessary to thwart the effects of the disease, no reason why PCOS has to be interpreted as a devastating diagnosis.

Learn more about the subject of PCOS and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and how it could be affecting your ability to get pregnant, visit us on the web at www.pcos.com?ap_id=healthstatus.

Insulite Health, a Boulder, Colorado USA based company, is committed to reversing Insulin Resistance – a potentially dangerous imbalance of blood glucose and insulin. Scientific research has revealed that this disorder can be a primary cause of excess weight gain and obesity, plus Pre-Diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes. Insulin Resistance can also underlie the cluster of increased risk factors for cardiovascular damage called Metabolic Syndrome (Syndrome X) as well as PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) – a major source of serious diseases as well as heartbreaking female infertility.

Recognizing that there are millions of people who need this kind of systematic approach to reversing insulin resistance, Insulite Health has developed systems to address the underlying causes of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS).

For more information about Insulin Resistance and research links to the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), PubMed Health, GenBank and more visit us at www.pcos.com?ap_id=healthstatus.

1“Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and Infertility,” IVF Authority, 12 June 2009 (23 February 2012).

Next Steps

Becoming victorious over the symptoms of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is not an easy task, but you can overcome your symptoms to live the life you deserve.

It takes strength, courage, and perseverance. It can be challenging and that’s why Insulite Health created the PCOS 5-Element System. It’s a step-by-step process that will help you balance your hormones and reverse PCOS symptoms using our proprietary 5% Solution.

So take the next steps now! Use the links below to learn how to make the changes that will transform your health and your life forever.

  1. Read more about PCOS
  2. Take the PCOS Test and assess your risk!
  3. Learn more about the Insulite 5-Element PCOS Solution

About Insulite Health PCOS.com

Insulite Health, is committed to helping women reverse their symptoms of hormone imbalance. Scientific research has revealed that this imbalance can be a primary cause of many devastating health symptoms. Hormone Imbalance can also underlie the increased risk factors for PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) – a major source of serious diseases as well as cause of excess weight gain, adult acne, unwanted facial hair, depression, anxiety, and heartbreaking female infertility.

©Insulite Health, Inc., pcos.com empowers women with PCOS to transform their lives through a process of healing with the 5-Element PCOS System — the world’s only complete solution for helping women heal from the symptoms of PCOS and hormone imbalance.


Robin is an Integrative Clinical Nutritionist, Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition. She comes to Insulite Health with a passion for helping women live vibrant, passionate lives. Robin had her own struggles with health. As a teenager she suffered from digestive disorders, weight, acne and hypoglycemia. As an adult she continued to struggle with balancing blood sugar, adult acne, mood swings, weight gain, arthritic conditions in her hands and chronic inflammation. Robin understands first hand how symptoms of poor health can keep us from living the life we dreamed of.

Robin Nielsen
2. December 2016
Robin Nielsen
2. December 2016
Hi Linda, Thank you for your post. We have found that birth control pills (BCPs) are not supportive for women with PCOS (nor are they supportive for any women's health). PCOS is the leading cause of infertility so BCPs may not be needed for a more "mindless" approach to birth control (here's a good resource article for healthy birth control options by Dr. Christiane Northrup: http://www.healyourlife.com/contraception-without-the-hormones). And BCPs prevent ovulation. That's how they prevent pregnancy. They are made of synthetic hormones that completely override a woman's hormonal system, and for many women with PCOS, it can takes upwards of 18 months to regain ovulation. We have found that for women with PCOS and hormone imbalance, birth control pills make their symptoms worse, and the path to healing much longer. We have heard this time and time again in our community. Using food as medicine, movement as medicine, replacing missing nutrients, understanding cravings and being part of a support community is the most effective long-term solution for PCOS. Robin Nielsen, Insulite Health, pcos.com

Linda Dewey MD
20. June 2016
Linda Dewey MD
20. June 2016
Regarding PCOS,...why not just try birth control pills first? This will 1) reverse most symptoms of PCOS; 2) re-set the patient's hormonal cycle; 3) when BCP are stopped, many times normal ovulation begins. Linda E. Dewey, M.D.


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Written by Robin Nielsen
Medical Writer & Editor

Robin is an Integrative Clinical Nutritionist, Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition. She comes to Insulite Health with a passion for helping women live vibrant, passionate lives. Robin had her own struggles with health. As a teenager she suffered from digestive disorders, weight, acne and hypoglycemia. As an adult she continued to struggle with balancing blood sugar, adult acne, mood swings, weight gain, arthritic conditions in her hands and chronic inflammation. Robin understands first hand how symptoms of poor health can keep us from living the life we dreamed of.

View all post by Robin Nielsen