70 million Americans suffer bowel problems. According to the American Gastroenterological Association 46% of people surveyed reported that they have daily problems with digestion. These digestion problems can come in the form of heartburn, bloating, constipation, flatulence or nausea.
Causes of Digestive Issues:
Nutrition — Most digestive disorders are caused by poor or inadequate nutrition.
Improper Immune Function
Out of Balance Colon Bacteria Population
Genetic Predisposition
Healthy Habits for Good Digestion:
- Drink lots of water.
- Chew your food thoroughly and slowly. Do not rush when eating.
- Increase fiber with whole grains, fruits and vegetables.
- Include probiotics in your diet that you get from fermented dairy such as yogurt.
- Eat good fats from sources like salmon and flaxseed.
- Increase your level of exercise. Exercise increases movement within your bowels.
- Take a multivitamin.
- Identify and eliminate foods you are sensitive too from your diet.
- Use Apple Cider Vinegar as a salad dressing.
- Add raw vegetable juice to your diet.
- Eat some protein at every meal. Protein helps activate digestive juices in the stomach.
- Do not overeat. Overeating can inhibit digestion.
- Avoid carbonated beverages.
- Avoid caffeine, alcohol and sugary drinks.
- Eat smaller meals more frequently.
- Add digestive enzymes to your meals.
- Add herbal bitters; such as a salad made from dark leafy arugula.
- Eat cooked foods over raw. Your body needs less energy to breakdown cooked food (cooking reduces some nutrients).
- Drink warm beverages with meals.
- Avoid greasy, fried foods.
Your body obtains its energy from the foods you eat. So you operate your best when your digestion is operating effectively. If you are having digestive issues try some of the above suggestions. Do talk to your health care professional about any issues you are dealing with. Digestive problems can be a precursor to other more serious digestive issues.