Fitting Fitness into Your Life

If, when trying to improve your fitness level, you start out strong and then find yourself failing and end up quitting, you need a better plan.  Even a novice gym-goer needs a plan. It is not possible to say which component is the most important, but if you want to develop a gym routine that sticks, you need to find a consistent time, go with a buddy, and get informed about the equipment.   You’ll feel better knowing your plan is going to work and you’ll start feeling the health and fitness benefits as you build your confidence.

Finding a consistent gym time is a key to making it work.   If you can build your gym visit into your regular daily routine, you will be more likely to go regularly.   Attending a scheduled class can help, as can writing it in to your weekly calendar.   If you look at your schedule and see you are booked in at the gym, it will make it a part of your life, and another one of things on your list to accomplish each day. This doesn’t mean it should be a chore on your daily to-do list. People who think of visiting the gym as an unpleasant task unsurprisingly get less out of their time spent there than people who look forward to gym time.

Having a gym buddy can do wonders for your gym attendance record.   If you know someone else is counting on you, you may be more likely to keep your appointments and avoid letting your friend down.   Gym trips can serve as social occasions as well.   You and your friend can have a time to chat, work out, and keep each other accountable. As an added bonus, you may get competitive with each other, and subtly (or otherwise) race each other on the treadmill.   You can push each other to do more, work harder, stay longer, and you will both be reaping the health benefits together.

If even the thought of going to the gym strikes fear into your heart, don’t despair! Most facilities offer gym orientations.   A trained fitness professional will take you through the gym and show you how to work each machine.   Don’t be afraid of them.   The weights are not restricted to bodybuilders, nor are the treadmills the territory of joggers alone. You will feel much more confident striding in to the gym when you are familiar with it and possess the knowledge of how to use the equipment.   You might even find you like them!

Your own commitment to your health will get you to make a plan and stick to it.   It is a regular part of your day, you can make it a social occasion, and as you get to know your gym, you’ll enjoy going more and more. Try to remember that euphoric feeling you get at the end of a workout when you’ve made your body move the way it was built to, and aim to experience that at the end of each workout. Maybe you don’t feel like going right now, but you’ll be glad you did!


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Written by HealthStatus
Medical Writer & Editor

HealthStatus has been operating since 1998 providing the best interactive health tools on the Internet, millions of visitors have used our health risk assessment, body fat and calories burned calculators. The HealthStatus editorial team has continued that commitment to excellence by providing our visitors with easy to understand high quality health content for many years.

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