Of all the diseases that plague mankind, one of the most prevalent and deadly is obesity. Yes, it was classified as a disease by the American Medical Association in 2013.
When one is obese it basically means they have too much body fat. So much that is can interfere with daily functioning and be detrimental enough so that it can shorten life expectancy by as much as 10 years.
Also, obesity puts people at risk for a lot of different health conditions. Some of which include heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, certain cancers, high cholesterol and sleep apnea just to name a few.
Obesity is much more serious than those who have put on a few extra pounds and struggle with love handles. Obesity refers to significant overweight conditions, and those who are obese struggle with issues related to weight loss for significant amounts of time. And, many were overweight or obese as kids.
Obesity numbers in the US are at a catastrophic state. More than 2/3 of adults are obese, and of those 6.4% are morbidly obese with a BMI or 40 or more. (Calculate your BMI here.)
Children are also afflicted with this preventable condition, and almost 32% of the population under 20 years old is obese today. 30.4% of low income preschoolers are obese and ¼ of all 2 to 5 year old kids are either obese or overweight.
44% of diabetes cases are attributed to obesity. And 18% of all deaths in the US are stemming from obesity related conditions.
As crazy as it may sound most people have no idea they are obese. Either that or they are in complete denial.
To find out if you are obese all you have to do is look at a body mass index scale and locate your rating. The body mass index is a combination of your weight and height. If the number is 30 or higher you are considered obese, anything over 40 on the chart is classified as morbid obesity.
If you carry the bulk of your body fat in the stomach, this means an even increased risk of various healthy problems.
A woman who has a waist size of 35 inches or more has an increased chance of disease. A man who has a waist size of 40 inches or more has an increased chance as well.
What Causes Obesity?
There are a lot of things than can ultimately lead to obesity. The most common one being eating more than you burn. This usually means that more calories are taken in than are burned off.
Anytime you take in more calories than you burn you will gain weight.
And with a society that is becoming more and more sedentary obesity has become a real serious issue. However, overeating is not the only thing that can lead to obesity.
There are other factors. Factors that aren’t in your control.
Things such as a history of obesity in your family. When you have family members such as your mother or father who are obese you are more likely to be obese as well. This is because you generally learn your eating habits from your family. If they eat an unhealthy diet you may do the same.
Another thing that can lead to obesity is a busy lifestyle. These days we all have a million and one different things to do. Because of this we don’t have time to prepare healthy meals. Instead we head to the nearest drive thru. As we all know these foods are full of saturated fats and more calories than any one person needs to eat in a single meal.
Treatment For Obesity
Doctors have come up with more innovative ways to deal with obesity since it is such a risk to people’s health, these include, bariatric surgery, where various methods are used to help those who are 100 pounds or more overweight.
Healthy diet and exercise remains the only sure fire way to reach a healthy weight and keep it there for life.
Planning ahead when you are busy works well. One thing that works is making meals at home on Sunday for the rest of the week and freeze them until you are ready to eat it. This makes it easier for you to eat healthy.
Pack healthy snacks and take them with you everywhere you go. That way if you get hungry you can grab for something healthy.
Many weight loss experts advocate the eating every 3 hours a day plan, like many bodybuilders do. Healthy lean proteins, carbs and grains, like brown rice, eaten every 3 hours regulate the blood sugars, control cravings and result in people not overeating. This method also helps to keep the metabolism at its highest. The meals should be very small, and usually when one eats this way, they consume a lot less food than those who eat 3 big meals per day.
Working out is essential for weight loss. In obese people the metabolism has usually slowed to a complete crawl, from years of a sedentary lifestyle. Cardio workouts rev that metabolism and so facilitate the burning of more calories on a daily basis. Exercise is a vital part of not only losing weight but keeping it off.