Buying Platinum products online is fast and easy. But beware the online stores (including Amazon) selling Purium direct. I will tell you how to order Platinum without risk and getting the biggest product discount possible.
Are you in Europe? Go to the Platinum Health official online store by clicking here.
Are you in the USA or Canada? Go to Purium’s official online store by clicking here.
Buying from the Purium or Platinum online store insures:
- You are getting the freshest merchandise, not products that are near or past expiration dates.
- Products from Platinum have been stored in a controlled environment
- You get the best online pricing
- You get points for future purchases
- You can use Platinum gift cards to buy product.
- Complete access to the Platinum Customer Support team.
- Platinum product return policy
- Assurance that you are getting the real product
When you are talking about putting food in your body, this is no time to take chances. Online at the official store is the only place where to buy Platinum products with full assurance.
You might ask, aren’t these other companies like any other company selling products?
The answer is NO!!!! Platinum does not offer their products at wholesale prices to anyone. Their business model is designed for direct sales only.
So how do these companies get their product?
They buy their product from the Platinum online store, using all the tricks within the system to get the best price. Purium then ships the product to them, where it sits in their warehouse, waiting and waiting to be purchased. Since they know all the tricks, they may be able to get the product at a slightly better price than you (unless you buy through our links) which they markup some but still less than the Platinum list price.
What about Amazon?
No, Platinum does not sell their products through Amazon, an individual or company is buying product through the official website, then reselling on Amazon.
What about buying from my Physician, Nutritionist or other Professional?
All I can tell you is buyer beware!! Ask them about their return policy. Ask them if the product has been stored for long, and has always been in an environmentally controlled room. Check the expiration dates on the products. The powdered products should have a full two years before they expire.
Fake product?
With technology it is very easy to copy labels, you hear about fake pharmaceuticals being sold on the Internet, and unfortunately, wherever there is a few dollars to be made there will be counterfeit products being sold. The only way to insure you are getting the real deal is to buy Platinum products from their online store. Click the button below to buy Platinum online with a coupon code attached to get the biggest discount possible.
Look, HealthStatus has an online store, I could easily and very profitably setup just like these other companies to sell direct to you. But that isn’t the best for my customers. Selling products stored in a garage or warehouse that isn’t temperature controlled, that isn’t the freshest product, with the longest expiration data possible is a bad idea.
Did You Know?
- The current prices for the Entire Platinum Line as of September 11th, 2024 are Here
- This Ultimate Transformation has people losing between 5 and 20 pounds.
- You can Protect your healthy gut with this.
- Platinum Products are organic and GMO free.
Platinum Top Sellers
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