This video is to help you understand how your diet could effect your hair growth. For example your cells will help or hinder your hair follicle health. There are 5 foods that will improve the strength of your hair! Of course if you smoke and do not get rest it will be hard to change your hair if you do not change these bad habits. The top 5 foods to contribute to getting healthy hair are blueberries, spinach, lentils, salmon, and walnuts. Each of these foods are many health benefits that will also help your hair health! In this video we will also suggest any alternative foods that provide good nutrients for your hair.
Key Points of Video:
- 1Keeping on a balanced diet is important for healthy hair and to stop hair loss.The nutrients you eat help hair stay healthy vibrant and strong.
- 2One month of junk food can show negative results on you hair. Also sleeping problems, hormone imbalance, or smoking can cause damage and/hair loss.
- 3Foods rich in vitamin C help support healthy hair. It promotes blood circulation with helps the follicles. You can find lots of vitamin C in blueberries, strawberries, kiwis, or tomatoes.