5 Tips On How To Prepare For IVF

For many women, becoming pregnant and giving birth is a lifelong dream. Unfortunately, there is a percentage of women who struggle to conceive, meaning they need to go down an alternative route to improve fertility. IVF is one of the most common forms of treatment that many women choose to have.

When preparing for IVF, it’s crucial that you give your body the care and nourishment it needs to better your chances of falling pregnant. Keep in mind that the procedure is expensive and you want to do all that you can to increase the possibility of success. Fortunately, properly preparing for the procedure is not that complicated.

If you aren’t sure where to begin, here are five useful tips that can help.


Quit Smoking and Drinking


We’re all aware of the damage smoking and drinking can do to our mental and physical health, however, for those who are about to embark on IVF treatment, it’s more important than ever to kick these habits for good. While it’s not known exactly how smoking affects fertility, there has been research carried out to indicate that chemicals in the smoke may cause a toxic effect on the endometrium. If you are struggling to give up smoking or drinking, there are helplines that you can contact.

Usually, the recommendation is to quit these habits at least one month before the procedure. However, based on personal factors, the recommendation might be different in your case. The doctor will tell you exactly how long you should wait before you should attempt IVF.


Take Vitamins


Fertility enhancing vitamins tend to not be popular in Western diets. With the largest cells in a woman’s body being her eggs, it’s important that you take a high-quality prenatal supplement which can improve your chances of falling pregnant. If you have a couple of months to prepare before going for IVF, it’s advisable to start taking supplements as early as possible before trying to conceive.

Doctors prescribe specific vitamins to women that get ready for an IVF procedure. You cannot simply go to the pharmacy and choose something random. Some vitamins are better at enhancing the fertility of a woman. These are the ones that need to be included in your diet.


Eat Fertility Enhancing Foods


There are certain foods that you can incorporate into your diet, which can improve the chances of you responding well to IVF. Foods like royal jelly, seeds, nuts, eggs, and fish roe are all known to have positive health benefits. We all know how important it is to follow a healthy, balanced diet so making small but subtle changes to what is on your plate can have a positive impact on your fertility.

If you do not know what diet changes to make, the doctor can make recommendations and it is a good idea to contact a licensed nutritionist to help you create a meal plan that maximizes the consumption of the best foods before IVF.


Improve Sleep


The quantity and quality of your sleep will have a major influence on your sex hormones, ovulation, and sperm production, meaning it’s vital that you and your partner are getting plenty of good quality sleep, especially when leading up to an IVF cycle. There are numerous tips that you can take on board to improve sleep, such as sticking to a regular routine, keeping electronic items away from your bed, as well as cutting down on caffeine.

Unfortunately, the simple fact that you will go through an IVF procedure can create anxiety, which can easily lead to improper sleeping patterns. Fortunately, there is safe medication you can use to help you sleep better at night. Just contact your doctor and let him know what your goals are, together with the fact that you have problems sleeping. Sometimes, sleeping aid medication might be needed.


Reduce Stress


Understandably, the IVF process can take its toll and increase stress levels. It’s only natural that you will want to get the best outcome possible, so before visiting a Fertility Clinic, it’s important that you do what you can to reduce stress levels and stay calm and relaxed. Whether it’s by practicing relaxation techniques or clearing your schedule, you need to put yourself first.

Remember that what works for one person might not work for you. When it comes to reducing stress, you need to see if there are other sources that exist, besides the jitters associated with the procedure. Minimizing stress can do wonders in helping you sleep better at night and making your hormone production better.


Listening to your body and taking things easy before and during IVF treatment is important. If you have struggled to conceive naturally, giving yourself the best chance possible of falling pregnant can be done by following all the suggestions listed above.



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Written by HealthStatus Crew
Medical Writer & Editor

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