Advanced Probiotic Blend – 60 Ct

Give your stomach inner strength

  • Supports healthy levels of good bacteria
  • Aids in healthy digestion and can help improve nutrient absorption
  • Supports healthy immune function
  • Dairy-free – does not need to be refrigerated
Purium‘s Advanced Probiotic BlendTM  is a potent, all-vegetarian blend of the most vital friendly bacteria available. We recommend supporting your body`s immune system by taking Purium`s Advanced Probiotic BlendTM  in conjunction with any of our green foods.
Servings per container: 30
Instructions:  Take two capsules daily.


More Information

What it is:  A potent, all-vegetarian, synergistic and shelf-stable blend of the most vital “friendly” bacteria available.


  • Repopulation of friendly bacteria and therefore the return of intestinal flora to a healthier balance
  • Nutritional assistance in the body`s normal response to yeast. Helps body to fight of yeast infections and Candida
  • May help prevent or reduce urinary tract infections
  • Aid in digestion, especially the digestion of proteins
  • Reduction of bowel toxins – reduction of gas, bloating, and intestinal and systemic toxicity
  • Prevention of diarrhea and constipation, improvement of chronic bowel disease symptoms
  • Boost to the immune system, as well as an anticancer effect
  • A reduction in serum cholesterol
  • Protection of liver function
  • May help athletes to reduce the amount of infections  and  to recover faster from infections than those who do not take probiotics, according to a study published in the  British Journal of Sports Medicine.
  • Provision of nutrients to intestinal cells and enhancement of nutrient absorption.
  • Probiotics eliminate allergens from the blood before they cause a histamine reaction, therefore eliminating the need for anti-histamines.

>>The current prices for the Entire Purium Line as of September 11th, 2024 are Here<<

Interesting Facts:

  • Purium`s Advanced Probiotic Blend is patented and clinically proven to restore friendly bacteria to the bowels.
  • Doctors and scientists in Europe have long recognized the need for anyone using antibiotics to take a `probiotic,` which will help the bowel rebuild the good bacteria that are killed by the pharmaceutical drugs. This is very helpful for women who are susceptible to yeast infections, Candida albicans and chronic fatigue
  • FOS (Inulin)  promotes the growth of the beneficial bowel bacteria (lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidus), beneficial effects are reduction of bowel toxins, the prevention of diarrhea and constipation, a reduction in serum cholesterol, the protection of liver function, an anticancer effect and an improvement of chronic inflammatory bowel disease symptoms.
  • F-19  is friendly bacteria that supports the digestion of protein, reduces fungus infestations, lowers blood cholesterol, aids general digestion, and enhances nutrient absorption.
  • Acacia Gum  provides fiber enrichment and prebiotic effect to improve digestive health and improve regularity.

Please note:  Please store in a cabinet or pantry.

Final word from Dave:

Advanced Probiotic Blend is simply the most shelf-stable and most effective vegetarian probiotic ever developed. It is used in hospitals in Japan and is even known to be safe for adolescents (who typically should avoid introducing foreign gut bacteria). Complex in its simplicity, the 2 powerful acido- and bifido-bacteria along with the paracasei create harmonious integration with your existing flora versus less complimentary complex products which act instead as an invading army.
– Dave Sandoval

  • These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and were not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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Greg lost 32 pounds (and counting) with the Purium Ultimate Lifestyle Transformation and Core 4 programs during 2020. The Purium product line is something he highly recommends and uses himself every day. Greg founded HealthStatus in 1998 and continues to deliver high quality products and services to HealthStatus visitors.

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Written by Greg White
Medical Writer & Editor

Greg lost 32 pounds (and counting) with the Purium Ultimate Lifestyle Transformation and Core 4 programs during 2020. The Purium product line is something he highly recommends and uses himself every day. Greg founded HealthStatus in 1998 and continues to deliver high quality products and services to HealthStatus visitors.

View all post by Greg White