Rice Bran Solubles

The nutrient dense part of rice that normally gets cooked away…perfect for a heart healthy smoothie

  • Contains a wide variety of B vitamins
  • Great source of healthy fats
  • Can help promote healthy cholesterol levels and cardiovascular function
  • May support healthy blood glucose levels

Purium‘s Rice Bran Solubles are the most potent, nutrient-rich part of rice. They are amazing plant complexes that contain a wide variety of nutrients not found in other foods. Ours has a light, nutty, buttery flavor that is the perfect complement to any green drink or protein shake.

Servings per container: 60

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Instructions:  Mix 1 – 2 tbsp (6-12g) with 6-8oz of water, your favorite juice, milk, smoothie, or green drink. Shake or mix well, and enjoy.


More Information

What it is:  Rice Bran Solubles, a powdered supplement, is a highly concentrated soluble carbohydrate and lipid-rich component of non-chemically modified, water-soluble and stabilized rice bran. It dissolves instantly in any beverage, is easily digested and provides a near instant energy source.


  • May support healthy blood glucose
  • Is a great source of healthy fats
  • May support a healthy body weight
  • Contains a wide variety of B vitamins
  • Can help promote healthy cholesterol levels and cardiovascular function

>>The current prices for the Entire Purium Line as of September 11th, 2024 are Here<<

Interesting Facts:

Recent scientific analysis has indicated that isolated vitamin E supplements may actually increase your risk of premature death. These synthetic compounds can actually become oxidative in doses that exceed 150 units per day, while 400 units per day have been shown to increase mortality risk in 39 out of every 10,000 people. Furthermore, vitamin E supplements only provide a fraction of what your body needs. Your body must metabolize or break down the vitamin E before it can use it, making it not only potentially harmful but also at times, useless!

Rice Bran Solubles provides all of the natural vitamin E tocopherols and tocotrienols. This means that all eight of the vitamin E compounds are available in a free form allowing your body to maximize the protective effect without causing any of the side effects or risk factors associated with vitamin E supplements. Rice bran solubles is rich in antioxidants and phytonutrients, nutrients from plant sources. It`s also a great supply of essential vitamins and minerals, high-quality nutritional fiber, hypoallergenic protein, and omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids. All of these elements play a key role in reducing total cholesterol levels, especially LDL cholesterol and triglycerides. In fact, rice bran oil is the only vegetable oil that reduces triglycerides.
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and were not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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Greg lost 32 pounds (and counting) with the Purium Ultimate Lifestyle Transformation and Core 4 programs during 2020. The Purium product line is something he highly recommends and uses himself every day. Greg founded HealthStatus in 1998 and continues to deliver high quality products and services to HealthStatus visitors.

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Written by Greg White
Medical Writer & Editor

Greg lost 32 pounds (and counting) with the Purium Ultimate Lifestyle Transformation and Core 4 programs during 2020. The Purium product line is something he highly recommends and uses himself every day. Greg founded HealthStatus in 1998 and continues to deliver high quality products and services to HealthStatus visitors.

View all post by Greg White