Hey Champion,
Foam rollers came on the scene 10 years ago, providing numerous health and fitness benefits, including:
– improved circulation.
– increased blood flow.
– releasing muscle tightness.
– breaking down knots in your muscles.
Using a foam roller is actually similar to getting a massage. As you roll on it, fibrous tissue is broken down and circulation is boosted, helping to relieve tension and pain. When you perform various exercises with the roller it also helps to engage and build your muscles.
“Because your heart was tender and you have humbled yourself before the Lord…I truly have heard you,” declares the Lord. 2 Kings 22:19
For the most part, the Bible is a book of promises with conditions attached. Our part is to activate the promises by meeting the conditions.
Example: A tender and humble heart gets God’s attention.
Exercise of the Week: Get God’s attention