Hey Champion,
The adrenal glands increase their production of cortisol in response to stress.
Cortisol raises blood sugar and blood pressure levels and moderates immune function, If the cortisol level is low, the person has fatigue, low blood pressure, hypoglycemia, poor immune function, an increased tendency to allergies and environmental sensitivity, and an inability to deal with stress.
Vitamin C is critical for adrenal function.
Your body’s highest levels of vitamin C are found in the adrenal glands and brain tissues, and the urinary excretion of vitamin C is increased during stress.
That we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. 1 Timothy 2:2
What is the opposite of peaceful and quiet?
What is the opposite of godliness and holiness?
This is pretty clear and to the point on how we should live.
How are you living?
Exercise of the Week: If you’re not living a peaceful, quiet life in all godliness and holiness, decide to change. Now!