6 Innovative Medical Devices That Transformed Health Care

Technology is indeed changing the lives of people for the better. One of the industries that are profoundly affected by advancements in technology is the medical and healthcare industry.  

Because of these advancements and innovative medical devices, the health and mortality of people are improving. When a person is diagnosed with a disease, they’re able to have the best care, cure, and treatment.  

As the years continue to fly by and more technological advancements come in, no one knows what other inventions are coming in. For now, let’s focus on these innovative medical devices that have transformed health care:


1.   Smart Inhalers


Inhalers serve as the extension of the lives of asthma patients. When taken and used correctly, for most asthma patients, it’s 90% effective.

Today, this is made even better through smart inhalers. With the clamor to help asthma patients better manage their conditions, Bluetooth-enabled smart inhalers are created.  

What is a smart inhaler? It’s a small, electronic device that’s attached to the inhaler. This device makes it easier to track and record data related to the time of administration, and whether or not it was done correctly. As each data is recorded, this is transmitted to the smartphone of the patient. That way, it’s easier for asthma patients to track how they frequently use an inhaler and their condition.

Here are some of the ways that a smart inhaler helps make life easier:

  • Lets you know if you’re using the inhaler correctly. This way, you’re able to get more of the medicine to your lungs, with a reduction in side effects.
  • Gives you an alert on your smartphone when you hit an area with high levels of allergy triggers. You can then whether or not it’s best to avoid the area.
  • Shows your caregiver or your doctor that you’ve been religiously taking your medication.


2.   Electronic Health Records


Because of technology, specifically clinical biostatistics services, how physicians today handle patient data is changing for the better. Through electronic health records, it’s easier for doctors to pull out information about a patient since their entire medical history will automatically show. That way, it’s now easier for doctors to make a correct diagnosis on the patient’s past visits. They can also suggest proper medication instantly.

Here are other advantages of using electronic health records:

  • Medical errors are reduced.
  • It helps determine possible medical conditions in the past that have been overlooked.
  • Communication between physicians and patients is significantly improved.
  • Easier for doctors to follow up with patients and track continuing care.
  • Saves time during each doctor’s visit.


3.   Robotic Surgery


Technology is also changing the way that surgery is performed. Whenever primary operations aren’t necessary, doctors can now do minimally invasive procedures. Surgeons can now also perform surgeries with precision, flexibility, and more control.  

In addition to this, real-time information about the patient is also provided to the surgeon, even while the procedure is still ongoing. This can help lessen the dangerous risks that are associated with surgeries.

Here are some of the benefits to the patient of using robotic surgery:

  • Better outcomes of surgery.
  • More precise surgery.
  • Less scarring and shorter recovery time for the patient.

Along that line, here are benefits to the surgeon performing the robotic surgery:

  • More access to hard-to-reach areas of the body.
  • An enhanced visual field for the surgeon.
  • Superior dexterity.


4.   3D Printing


3D printing refers to the process of creating a physical object from a digital design. It helps create complex shapes by using lesser material compared to traditional printing methods.  

3D printing is now highly used in the healthcare industry. In general, through 3D printing, the cost of developing prototypes, pharmaceuticals, prosthetics, and tissue and skin of patients are reduced.  

Here are ways that 3D printing is helping both the healthcare providers and patients alike:

  • More specific and custom measurements and designs can be made for patients who can’t use custom-made prosthetics.
  • Tissue engineering is now made possible.
  • Professionals can now use human plasma and skin biopsies as new production material to create new skin.
  • Stem cells can now be used to create organs, thereby impacting the organ transplant process positively.


5.   Artificial Organs


Artificial organs are a by-product of bioprinting. Now, scientists can create pancreas, synthetic ovaries, and even blood vessels. These artificial organs are transplanted into the human body, then it grows and adjusts to replace the faulty organ.  

One of the advantages of artificial organs is that it often results in lower chances and risks of getting rejected by the patient’s immune system. It’s a revolutionary medical device that can help save the lives of millions of patients every year that are dependent on organ transplants to live longer.

Here are common examples of artificial organs that are now produced:  

  • Iron lung
  • Artificial liver
  • Artificial kidney (soon)


6.   Precision Medicine


With precision medicine, doctors are now moving away from a universal, one-size-fits-all approach that’s sometimes used in treating diseases, such as cystic fibrosis and cancer. Doctors know that no two patients are exactly alike. Hence, they shouldn’t also be treated in the same way, medically.  

Thankfully, precision medicine enables doctors to factor in individualized factors, such as genetic makeup, environment, and lifestyle.  

Here are the advantages when using precision medicine in healthcare:

  • Genetic changes in cancer are better identified.
  • Efforts to treat diseases are now precise and more effective.
  • It creates a shift in the emphasis of medicine from reaction to prevention.
  • Eliminates trial-and-error inefficiencies.
  • Predicts susceptibility to infections.  




With this list, it’s even easier to see why everyone owes care and thanks to technology. If not for recent advancements, patients today won’t experience the positive benefits brought about by innovative medical devices.  

Because of such innovation, the search for a cure has drastically improved and treatment is also more successful. Not to mention the fact that communication between patients and their physicians is even made easier.  

In general, these innovative medical devices have one goal: to promote the general wellness of individuals from one generation to another.



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Written by HealthStatus
Medical Writer & Editor

HealthStatus has been operating since 1998 providing the best interactive health tools on the Internet, millions of visitors have used our health risk assessment, body fat and calories burned calculators. The HealthStatus editorial team has continued that commitment to excellence by providing our visitors with easy to understand high quality health content for many years.

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