Bad Breath: Symptoms And Causes

Bad breath is medically called halitosis, and it can be humiliating. This is why, at the pharmacy or supermarket, racks are often filled with mouthwashes, mints, flavored gum, and different items that could minimize bad breath for a while.  As a result of how embarrassing it could be, it springs up low-self esteem and a lack of confidence in one’s self. Imagine how uncomfortable it would be when your friends, family, and the people you love constantly reminds you that your mouth stinks. Quite pathetic, right?  

 The mouth should be properly washed”, this is usually everyone’s advice to people with bad breath. But sometimes, people have no idea that bad breath is not always a result of how frequently you brush your teeth. There are some other underlying causes of bad breath, and that is why professionals like Spruce Grove dentist Dr. James are working hard to enlighten their patients on the causes of bad breath, its symptoms, how it could be prevented, how it could be treated, and why to see a doctor when it worsens. This article is going to provide more information about things you should know about bad breath. Enjoy the read.


Causes of Bad Breath

 Some of the most popular causes of bad breath include the following:

  • Poor dental hygiene
  • Mouth infection
  • Tobacco products
  • Dry mouth
  • Nose and throat infections
  • Cancer
  • Gum or cavities disease
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
  • Peptic Ulcer
  • Blockage of the intestines
  • Kidney failure
  • Liver failure
  • Diabetes
  • Smoking, etc.


Symptoms of Bad Breath

Perhaps, you are wondering how to know if you have bad breath. If you notice the symptoms below, then you are more likely to have the condition.

  • Unpleasant smell from the mouth
  • Unpleasant smell from the nose
  • White coating on the tongue
  • Change in taste as everything becomes sour
  • Dryness of the mouth


How can bad breath be prevented?

Indeed, bad breath is so unhealthy and can be quite embarrassing too. However, the good news is that it can be prevented. Here are some tips that could help you avoid the condition.

Regularly brush your teeth:

When you finish eating a meal, you should brush your teeth. Also, before going to sleep, you should brush your teeth – broken meals are most times hidden in the mouth, and when the mouth isn’t properly brushed at night, the bad breath tends to occur.

Floss your teeth:

Flossing is important when taking care of your mouth. It clears the food stuck in between your teeth, and this reduces the number of bacteria in your mouth. Try to floss your teeth at least twice daily – morning, and night.

Examine the food you eat:

Try to avoid meals that leave a long-lasting smell in the mouth. For instance, you shouldn’t chew too much garlic because of how lasting the smell sticks in the mouth.

Never leave your mouth dry:

At all costs, never let your mouth be totally dried. Drink plenty of water, always ensure your mouth is moist but do not steadily drink coffee and alcohol. Flavored gum or candy could work, too.

Change your toothbrush:

Learn to change your toothbrush, at least, every three months.

Brush your tongue:

The tongue is known for housing so much bacteria. Brush your tongue thoroughly, from the tip to the end of it.

Importance of visiting a dentist:

  • Visiting a dentist when suffering from bad breath will help to keep your teeth healthy
  • It helps you to treat the condition adequately
  • It ensures that your entire body is at rest because when the mouth smells terrible, one would panic a lot.

Good oral hygiene:

Ensure your cavities are properly and always taken care of.

Regular usage of antibacterial toothpaste:

The dentist may recommend toothpaste, and it definitely would be an antibacterial toothpaste. Ensure it is frequently used.

Regular usage of antibacterial mouthwash:

When this is recommended to you, properly use it.

Mouthwash with vinegar:

Vinegar is known to contain an acid called acetic, and in a place where acetic acid is, bacteria tend to not grow there.

Zinc salt:

Research has it that zinc salt curbs bad breath for at least six months because it contains some ingredients found in some mouthwashes.

Good dental hygiene:

The most common cause of bad breath is poor dental hygiene. Bacteria that accumulate on the tongue can cause bad smells. So, it is advisable to properly brush your teeth and pay more focus on your tongue. This should be done at least twice daily; morning and night.

Be serious with your dentist appointment:

Regularly visit your dentist, so your medications could be renewed if need be.



Conclusively, bad breath is unhygienic and unhealthy. It disturbs one and diminishes one’s confidence. It also prevents one from speaking publicly. Some people tend to brush twice daily, yet they still suffer from bad breath and embarrassment.

Thankfully, this article has provided sufficient information about the causes, and treatments of bad breath. It furthermore talked about how it could be prevented, and how important it is to visit the dentist when suffering from bad breath.



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Written by HealthStatus Crew
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