Career Benefits of Quitting Smoking

If you want to get a promotion, you start going above and beyond in your current position in order to get noticed. It involves using all your skills, knowledge and experience. But there’s one thing you can do that doesn’t relate to your set of skills and expertise. I’m talking about quitting smoking. This act, if successful, will bring a number of benefits for you as a worker, and here’s why.

You’ll become more stress resistant.

Stress and anxiety build up and affect the quality of one’s work. Studies have already proven that smoking is a weak stress-coping tool. Moreover, it doesn’t solve a problem, so the triggers don’t go up in smoke.

Of course, stress is one of the withdrawal symptoms a smoker feels after quitting. It appears because the brain is addicted to nicotine, and when it stops getting it, a person may feel headache, irritability, anxiety, and other symptoms. Thanks to a small vape, a quitter can avoid those symptoms as e-liquids contain nicotine.

You’ll become a healthier, thus more efficient worker.

No matter how old you are or how long you’ve been smoking, positive changes will start occurring in your body as soon as you drop the habit. Scientific evidence confirms that the risks of smoking-related diseases in ex-smokers are less than that in current smokers of the same age and gender.

A refusal from tobacco is a massive step a person can take toward regaining health and increasing life expectancy. Those who quit before 30 can avoid most of the risks and live about 10 years longer.

Today, we can often see an office worker using the best vape mod from VapingDaily at their breaks. More and more employers encourage their employees to quit their tobacco habit. They understand that someone who doesn’t smoke is less likely to get ill and take sick leave.

Your productivity will boost.

Productivity is impaired by absenteeism. All workers miss work sometimes. But while non-smokers are off work for 35.2 hours per year, smokers are absent for 53.6 hours.

Presenteeism is working while sick. It’s another cause of low productivity that is more common among people with nicotine addiction. Smokers lose 76.5 hours per year due to presenteeism, and non-smokers – only 43 hours.

Quitting smoking creates more time on your working schedule and helps to avoid procrastination. Studies show that after quitting a person’s abilities to concentrate and memorize increase, which is essential for work performance.

You’ll prove yourself as a leader.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 70% of smokers want to stop smoking, 50% attempt to do it and only 7% succeed. The CDC also reports that it takes 8 to 11 attempts to quit completely.

Someone who managed to become free of this harmful habit is viewed as a self-disciplined, strong-willed, and determined person. He or she becomes a role model for co-workers who are still struggling with their addiction.

Demonstrating the positive qualities that characterize you as a leader and a valuable employee is an additional factor that can help out your career.

Your earnings will rise.

A working paper published by the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta reports that non-smokers earn an average of 17.5% more than their smoking colleagues. The researchers analyzed the principles of this relationship. They didn’t take into account the differences in productivity that lead to the wage gap and focused on other factors.

It turned out that about 60% of the wage differentials between smokers and non-smokers came from differences in the characteristics these workers brought to the labor market, especially the level of education.

It’s interesting that smoking intensity didn’t directly correlate with the wage gap. It didn’t matter whether an individual smokes 30 or 600 cigarettes a month, they still make themselves a disservice.

Good news for a smoker – if you quit, you’ll start earning more money than both current smokers and non-smokers. One of the authors of the paper, Melinda Pitts, says that the possible reason is “the qualities of persistence, patience and everything else” that enables a person to quit and those qualities are valued by employers.

Freedom from tobacco will make you a better deal maker.

Given that people are prone to judge each other by the appearance at first sight, it’s essential to make a good impression on potential companions. Heavy smoking discolors teeth and skin and makes hair thinner. Persistent smell of tobacco can’t be removed by perfumes. Possible stains of ash only deepen the image of an untidy person.

The appearance factor is important. Your interlocutor may not want to see you again, and understanding that your tobacco breath irritates them can decrease your self-confidence.

In contrast to smoking, vaping won’t break your deal. Using the best vape mod doesn’t leave a nasty smell as it is filled with a flavored e-juice. And vaping hasn’t been linked with the physical changes that smoking causes. When you know you look good, it boosts your self-confidence and increases that chance to convince someone to invest in some project.

You’ll be more likely to get a new job.

Employees’ smoke breaks cost employers $3,391 a year for lost productivity and health care, according to federal estimates. Many employers go further than banning smoking in the workplace – they ban smokers.

ABC conducted a search on Seek (a job search platform) and found dozens of jobs vacancies available only to non-smokers. The categories included truck drivers, gardeners, roofers, chefs, office administrators, receptionists, and more. As a smoker, you may face a sort of discrimination. In this regard, it’s better to use a vape box mod, as a “non-vaper” requirement is absent.

Most smoking cessation approaches are suitable for use in the workplace. Nicotine replacement therapies, medications or vaporizing can help increase the number of quit attempts and eventually lead to the victory over tobacco. Regardless of the approach you use, remember about the benefits you may reap if you succeed in it. Let it motivate you!


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Written by HealthStatus Crew
Medical Writer & Editor

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