
Our Wellness articles on Healthstatus.com

Kidney Disease Symptoms

The kidneys are responsible for filtering out waste products, secreting hormones and regulating blood chemicals. When the kidney starts to have problems with function the part that is most affected is the filtration system.

Risks of Kidney Disease

The kidneys are two small, bean-shaped organs that are located in the lower back on either side of the spinal column. The kidneys may be small, but they serve a very important purpose. The kidneys are responsible for removing waste from the body through their unique filtering system.

Teeth Whitening With Light Systems

Light Activated bleaching is today being marketed by some as a technological breakthrough in cosmetic dentistry. Touted as one of the safest and simplest ways to whiter teeth, it is rooted in the belief that the use of light enhances the effectiveness of the bleaching agent making the process faster and more effective. The discovery […]

Keeping Your Metabolism Running Fast

Have you ever wondered why some lucky people can eat anything they want to without adding an inch or why you never put on weight in college despite snacking on nothing but junk food? The answer lies in the difference in your body’s ability to process the food you put into it or what is […]

All You Wanted To Know About Dental Implants

Dental Implants are artificial tooth roots that are placed into your jaw to hold a replacement tooth, bridge or other restorations. Used in prosthetic dental surgery, implants are ideal for people who have lost a tooth due to age, injury or any other reason including poor oral hygiene. Dental Implants provide functional benefits almost completely […]

Migraine Headaches – Causes And Treatment To Drain The Pain

It’s hard to forget those migraines. Ouch! How the head throbs in pain! A classic migraine attack is characterized by an aura (light images) before the pain starts. Such headaches are more severe. However, about 80 percent of migraine headaches are without an aura.

Hormone Replacement Therapy In Women – An Overview

Hormone Therapy or Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is a treatment which involves the use of synthetic hormones to prevent and treat problems such as menopause and osteoporosis in women. Doctors have been using HRT for decades to ease symptoms such as menopause, hot flashes, mood swings and vaginal dryness in women. Although this therapy may […]

Spit for Health

There is a balance that exists in everything in life.  It doesn’t matter if we are talking about plants and animals or if we are talking about ourselves, things need to be balanced in order for them to operate properly.  One way that humans are balanced which may surprise you is according to the pH […]

Window Shopping Counts as Exercise

Here in the Midwest we are still stuck in winter, like a lot of the country.  And getting the opportunity to get outside for some physical activity is nonexistent unless it is shoveling snow or scraping ice off of the car.  So exercising at the indoor mall sounds fabulous.  Yes, window shopping can be exercise.

Staying Fit with Friends

Did you ever wonder what makes people become dedicated to going to the gym on a regular basis?  I have to admit, I still wonder the same thing myself.  At times, I would rather have somebody punch me in the face than to get up and go to the gym by myself.  Even though there […]