
Our Wellness articles on Healthstatus.com

Spotlight on Sunlight

All of us need to get some sunlight in order to remain healthy. Some scientists are now considering sunlight a “super nutrient”.   Let’s look at the ways that sunlight helps our bodies.

What makes an effective vitamin?

In a perfect world with a healthy diet you should obtain all the vitamins you need from the food you eat. A 2004 Nielsen survey found that only 12% of all Americans claim to eat the 5 recommended servings of fruits and vegetables per day! That means a huge portion of us are not getting the […]

ABC’s of Healthy, Happy Relationships

For Healthy, Happy Relationships, here are some basic guidelines for reference. They are in alphabetical order only, not order of importance.

Throw Out Your Previous Beliefs – COCONUT OIL IS GOOD FOR YOU

There is growing worldwide interest in the biologically active substances in coconut oil that are being identified to provide nutritional value and pharmacological effects.  Why the new buzz and new attitude about coconut oil?  Here is what I found.

Smoking a Private Issue or a Public Problem?

I am generally for less government interference in my life and the freedom to make informed personal choices.     I have never been a smoker but have known several in my lifetime, so I struggle with the public ban on cigarette smoking.  This however may be a personal choice that someone else makes that […]

Fluoridation: How safe is your water?

If you had asked me 6 months ago what I thought about fluoride in my water, I would have told you it was a good thing.  All that fluoride was great for my teeth.  That was the marketing I was exposed to and accepted.  I was told growing up that fluoride prevents tooth decay and […]

“Fit U” or “Fat U”? Avoiding Freshman Weight Gain

Here you are lucky to be heading to college.  You’ve worked hard, saved money and are now going to get to study things you are truly interested in.  How can you avoid the “Freshman 15” that seems to effect 70% of college freshman?  Just being aware that weight gain is a problem for most freshman […]

Need To Get Rid Of Bad Breath?

Before we begin to explore the remedies for getting rid of bad breath, we need to understand some of the causes of bad breath.  Some of the causes that can replace normal breath are:

Are You A Secret Aromatherapist?

We have all heard the saying “Stop and smell the roses.”  This saying may come from early practitioners of aromatherapy.  Or how many of us have spread Vicks Vapor Rub on hoping to get some relief from a cold?  Again this is aromatherapy.  Are you a practitioner without even realizing it?

Perfectionist or Procrastinator – Just Gitter Done!

Are you a perfectionist? For some people, good enough is just not good enough.  While for others, turning down a project is a lot better than finishing it off in a less than perfect way.  Doing nothing, accomplishing nothing is a lot better than achieving something that is not at all one hundred percent exceptional. […]