While these adults may feel active and spry at the moment, no one can accurately predict what health and care problems may come down the road. In fact, according to Age Wave, only 37% of people over the age of 50 believe they’ll need living assistance, but the reality is that nearly 70% will. These are the types of questions you need to ask yourself when deciding whether you will need in home senior health care. Heart attacks, strokes, dementia, as well as bone and muscle weakness are all valid reasons to consider in-home senior health care sooner rather than later. These conditions become more likely and severe in aging individuals, so it’s important to see a doctor regularly to understand age-related health risks and determine if you are susceptible to any of them.
Key Points:
- 1Heart attacks, strokes, dementia, as well as bone and muscle weakness are all valid reasons to consider in home senior health care sooner rather than later.
- 2Only 37% of people over the age of 50 believe they’ll need living assistance, but the reality is that nearly 70% will.
- 3It’s likely that we’ll all need some extra help as we age, and it’s best to plan for these things in advance to make sure that we’re prepared.
According to Age Wave, only 37% of people over the age of 50 believe they’ll need living assistance, but the reality is that nearly 70% will.
Read the full article at: https://www.youthfulaging.net/assisted-living-common-among-aging-adults-may-think/