Fit Minds

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Genes Found Related to the Reduction of Proteins that Contribute to Alzheimer’s Onset

Alzheimer’s Disease and other cognitive dementia conditions are an increasingly important subject for medical researchers as the population lives longer and rates of dementia rise along with the greater lifespans. One team of research scientists are looking to a molecular map of the brains of older people as one way to better understand cognitive decline […]

How to Ensure Legal Protection for a Loved One With Dementia

Everything gets turned upside down and inside out when you, or a loved one, is hit with Alzheimer’s Disease. Unlike many diseases with physical effects, Alzheimer’s impacts the mind and the patient’s ability to function mentally. As the disease progresses, an Alzheimer’s patient may be more or less physically healthy, but increasingly less able to […]

People With Dementia More Likely To Go Missing

One of the problems with dementia is your mind, your brain, begins to work differently. And it’s not as simple as memory loss. Sometimes a dementia patient can get confused, or think things that aren’t true. This can cause those with dementia to get themselves into physical danger through simply wandering or walking into areas […]

Dementia or Mental Illness?

As people live longer, mental illnesses such as dementia and other cognitive disorders are being seen more. Correspondingly, detecting and understanding these disorders is becoming more important to better help patients deal with the sometimes devastating effects on their health and lives. Cognitive decline is frightening because, unlike purely physical aliments, mental disorders can cause […]

Big Data Reveals New Alzheimer’s Risk Genes

A trio of genes have been newly identified to have a link to Alzheimer’s Disease and the chance of an individual contracting the cognitive disorder. New research, conducted by medical scientists in the United Kingdom, was published in Translational Psychiatry detailing the latest findings into these genetic markers. The research looked at the children of […]

Subjective Memory May Be Marker for Cognitive Decline

The Center for Vital Longevity (CVL) is doing research that suggests that participants who complain about poor subjective memory, especially in the elderly could be an early detection method for Alzheimer’s disease. Subjective memory is the opinion of how good the persons memory is and if it is slipping or getting worse through age. These […]

FDA Modernizes Approach to Alzheimer’s Research

Alzheimer’s disease is a complicated disease that is difficult to treat symptoms of once it has progressed to later stages of the disease. Scientists have been working to create medication to treat the cognitive impairment symptoms of Alzheimer’s and since the 1990’s have been required by the FDA as part of the medication evaluation process […]

Research Reveals Key Factors to Support Quality of Life in Dementia

Cognitive diseases, such as dementia, affect every part of the patient’s quality of life. When even the simplest things become hard or impossible to remember, basic tasks are difficult to accomplish, if they can be completed at all. When cognitive decline sets in, the assistance of loved ones in a caregiver’s role become increasingly useful. […]

Facebook App Offers Opportunity to Help Unpaid Alzheimer’s Caregivers via Friendsourcing

Medical researchers, in cooperation with technical and social media workers, have created a new app for Facebook that may be able to help ease the burden many people face when providing care to loved ones suffering form Alzheimer’s Disease. Working out of Purdue University in Indianapolis, a core campus that is part of the Indiana […]

Mild Brain Injuries Tied to Increased Dementia Risk

A new study is proving out a link between even non-severe traumatic brain injury, or TBI, doubles a person’s risk for later developing dementia. Damage to the brain, even temporary, has long been known to put patients at risk for cognitive disorders. But until recently, it was thought there might be some forms of cerebral […]