Shark Tank Weight Loss Pills 2024 Comparison: Shark Tank Weight Sisters and Other Weight Loss Products




That is not to say that dieting and gyming are ineffective ways of losing weight; they are not practical for everyone. Emerging scientific evidence shows that while exercising in the gym may be suitable for your health, it isn’t all that important for weight loss.


  • GoKeto BHB: Has BHB ketones and natural ingredients that help it work to help you lose weight
  • Keto Charge: Help improve mental acuity.
  • Keto Extreme: Increase your energy levels and help you have endurance during your workouts.
  • Keto Advanced: Dietary weight loss products that help burn fat cells and enhance energy levels
  • Aktiv Formulations Keto BHB: Aktiv Formulations Keto BHB is made from 100 percent natural ingredients.
  • すべて

GoKeto BHB

GoKeto BHB

  • Burn Fat for Energy not Carbs
  • Release Fat Stores
  • Increase Energy Naturally!



  • 蓄積された脂肪をエネルギーとして放出する
  • 血中ケトン体濃度を上昇させる
  • "ケト・インフルエンザ "を解消する



  • Lose Weight
  • Burn Fat in Trouble Areas
  • Get into Ketosis Fast!



  • Increases ketones in the blood
  • 脂肪を素早く燃焼させる
  • エネルギーレベルを向上させる

Aktiv Formulations Keto BHB

Aktiv Formulations Keto BHB

  • Burn Fat for Energy not Carbs
  • Release Fat Stores
  • Increase Energy Naturally!
8.5 星5つ
表示 その他のキャンペーン+。

Surgery may be another alternative, but it is expensive, making it out of reach for many people. Besides, there are risks involved in highly invasive surgery.

その前に、お金も腰も 痛めずにダイエットできる方法があります。本格的なケト剤は、飲み始めてから1週間以内に効果が現れます。これらの錠剤のユーザーは、数週間で食欲が減退し、体重が増加したと報告しています。


With these weight loss pills gaining popularity, many Ketogenic dietary pills are claiming to have appeared on Shark Tank.


Shark tank is a Grammy-awarding winning business-themed show where investors (also known as sharks) hear pitches from entrepreneurs who need funding from them.


When the investors like an idea, they provide the entrepreneur with financing in exchange for having stakes in the company-specific percentage ownership of the company and share of profits. Besides the funding, entrepreneurs gain access to the investor’s extensive network and experience.


Perhaps your maiden introduction to weight loss pills was through an ad with the “appeared on Shark Tank” testimonial. So convincing are these advertisements that they even have articles written on the particular episode where the “endorsement” of the weight loss pills took place.

And because there is no extent that these scammers will not cross to make the sale, they even attach pictures of contestants and investors of Shark Tank.


There are also reports of fake Oprah Keto Gummies advertisements on internet.



Snopes.comのファクトチェッカーによると、ABCの番組にKeto関連の製品が登場したのは2例しかないという。2018年、NUIは「Shark Tank」に出演し、砂糖を飛ばして飽和脂肪量を2倍にしたKeto対応のクッキーを売り込みました。ピッチの後、ゲスト投資家のアレックス・ロドリゲスが30万ドルをビジネスに投資した。

同年、Honest Ketoは、Ketoダイエットの厳しいルールを守らなくてもケトーシスを維持できるKetoサプリメントを携えて番組に登場しました。残念ながら、この製品に投資した投資家はいなかった。

Shark Tank Weight Loss Pills Comparison 2024

1. GoKeto Capsules


GoKeto Capsules, formerly Keto Strong, is a weight loss supplement made from safe and natural ingredients. Keto BHB uses a patented BHB salt blend that is somewhat similar to ketones produced by the body. A process the manufacturer’s claim begins within two hours.

GoKeto Capsules

GoKeto Capsules

✅ Keeps you energetic throughout the day
✅ Pumps in exogenous ketones
✅ Prevents keto flu symptoms

In addition to the ketones in their BHB blend, the GoKeto Capsules formula also contains raspberry ketones that have been proven to be very effective for weight loss. Another active ingredient includes caffeine anhydrous, a powerful stimulant that produces the caffeine-like effect, increasing blood circulation in the body.

さらに、ガルシニア・カンボギアは、脂肪細胞を作るよりも早く燃焼させることで体の代謝プロセスを促進するために、Keto BHBに配合されています。酵素の生成をサポートするアップルサイダーは、腸の健康を促進するためにも使用されています。

And to suppress hunger, the GoKeto Capsules contains green beans, green tea, and coconut oil have been added to make the body feel fuller hence reducing carb intake.

GoKeto Weight Loss Pills


Keto BHB製品は、メーカーの公式サイトでのみ購入することができます。2本以上の購入が条件で、価格は1本あたり平均62.95ドル、90日保証の返金制度があります。しかし、バンドルキャンペーンを利用すると、よりお得に購入することができます。1本買うと1本無料で57.95ドル、2本買うと1本無料で49.97ドルとなっています。

GoKeto Capsules is made from natural ingredients that do not cause any side effects, except Keto flu; headache, foggy brain, fatigue, irritability, nausea, difficulty sleeping, and constipation. These symptoms resolve after the first week; if not, consider seeing a doctor.


Manufacturers of Keto Charge say that their product is made from hand-picked and natural ingredients, making it safe and free from any side effects.

その上、Keto Advancedは、ダイエットや運動の助けを借りずに、急速に脂肪を「溶かす」ことができると謳っている、他に類を見ない製品です。これは、BHBケトンが多く含まれていることによるものです。このケトン体は、体内のケトン体レベルを上昇させ、炭水化物の代わりに脂肪を燃焼させる働きがあります。

The BHB ketones in Keto Charge are rich in minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and sodium that help replenish electrolytes lost through ketosis. Besides the ketones available in the Keto Charge, the green leaf extract promotes and improves brain performance. In addition to green leaf extract, apple cider formulated through ACV is also incorporated into the Keto Charge formula, accelerating fat burning in the body.



"ケト・インフルエンザ "をなくす

And like Keto Complete, Keto Charge works in three significant steps. First. Keto Charge burns fat instantly. The pill works almost immediately, and within a week, you will have lost 5lbs.

Secondly, Keto Charge accelerates fat burning in your body, and in the first month, you will be down 20lbs. Thirdly, Keto Charge transforms your body, making you slim without exercising or dieting. And while the supplement manufacturers argue that it works without dieting or exercising, they still recommend that you couple these supplements with a bit of exercise.

Manufacturers of Keto Charge recommend that you take two capsules a day. They are suggesting that you especially take one capsule after breakfast and the other before going to bed.

Keto Charge weight loss pills

A bottle of Keto Advanced has 60 capsules, meaning you have a month’s supply with a bottle. However, there is a minimum of two bottle purchase on the manufacturer’s website (, where the pills are exclusively sold.

Two bottles of Keto Charge go for $125, four bottles go for $185, and six bottles go for $239.82. Based on these prices, it would be better to buy in bulk. A bottle of Keto Charge has 60 capsules, enough for a month’s supply.


3. Keto Extreme

Keto Extremeは、安全で自然なビーガン成分から作られた減量用サプリメントです。ケトーシスを利用した低炭水化物ダイエットを実行するだけの規律がない人にも、減量のチャンスを与える減量用の薬です。


他の減量サプリメントとは異なり、Keto Extreme減量サプリメントは細胞レベルで働きます。メーカーによると、この多面的なアプローチにより、体が脂肪を増やさずに燃焼させることができるという。

ケト・エクストリーム ケト・エクストリーム

Lose Weight
Burn Fat in Trouble Areas
Get into Ketosis Fast!

BHB ketones are the main active ingredient in Keto Extreme and are extracted from the raspberry pulp. The raspberry ketones in Keto Extreme elevate ketone levels in the body, thus initiating ketosis so that the body begins using up its fat for energy. Moreover, these raspberry ketones are combined with carbs after oxidation, a process that promotes muscle health. And since Keto Extreme is made from fruit pulp, it has a fantastic taste.


Keto Extremeに配合されているもうひとつの魅力的な成分がフォルスコリンです。酵素のリパーゼとアデニル酸シクラーゼを作ることで減量を促進する成分です。酵素は体細胞から脂肪酸を放出し、ケトン体が脂肪酸を燃焼しやすい状態にします。

ケト エクストリーム ファット バーナー

また、私たちは時々欲求に負けてしまうことがあるので、Keto ExtremeはMCTオイルを配合しました。MCTオイルは、ペプチド、レプチンという2つのホルモンの分泌を促進し、満腹感を与えることで、体重を減らし、維持することができます。

Apart from the weight loss benefits that Keto Extreme promotes, it has other added advantages including; improved blood circulation, increased metabolism, muscle growth, increased energy levels, hunger suppressions, and enhanced body immunity—Keto Extreme weight loss pills lower sugar levels in the body, reducing the risk of developing diabetes.

Keto Extremeは、1瓶に60カプセル入っており、30日分の補給が可能です。Keto Extremeのサプリメントは、最大3ヶ月間使用する必要があります。5本入りは198.7ドル、3本入りは149.91ドル、1本入りはほぼ75ドルです。

Keto Extremeの減量薬は、朝と夜の1日2回、空腹時に服用する必要があります。また、最大の効果を得るためには、水分を補給し、Ketoダイエットを行うことが不可欠です。



Anna and Samantha Martin are not new names in the Keto diet pills world. You might have come across a picture of two blonde women “pitching” their Keto pills to the sharks. In one advertisement, the women are said to have appeared on the Today Show, Oprah, The New York Times, and that five sharks from Shark Tank had invested in the product.

Unfortunately, these two women have never been on shark tank. And it is highly unlikely that their real names are Anna and Samantha Martin. The images used have definitely been photo-shopped and are used to lend weight to pills that might not work.

その他のKeto Pillのレビュー


Keto Advanced is a weight loss pill that helps people lose weight through a process known as ketosis. Ketosis is a metabolic state where the body burns its fat reserve instead of carbohydrates for energy.

The body can burn either carbohydrates or fats, but it prefers to do so since it finds it easier to burn carbohydrates for energy. However, fats are generally the better energy source; unlike carbs which leave you feeling tired after they are burnt, oils do not change your energy levels.



Increases ketones in the blood
Burns fat fast
Increases energy level

Keto Advanced introduces exogenous ketones in the body to elevate ketone levels in the blood. Ketones initiate the process of ketosis, where your body burns fats instead of carbohydrates.

Keto Advanced is perhaps the most popular Keto weight loss pills at the moment—thanks to it having science backing. A recent study published by the Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism Journal found that Keto Advanced worked and was good for your health. According to the survey, Keto Advanced supports weight loss through the burning of fat instead of carbohydrates.

Apart from the BHB ketones that initiate and maintain the process of ketosis in the body, Keto Advanced has other natural ingredients that work to give you better results. For example, the moringa extract added to its formula is rich in nutrients and polyphenols with anti-cellulite properties.

Keto Advanced effect

Secondly, the bioperin in Keto Advanced prevents fat cells from forming. The natural ingredient is extracted from black pepper, and it prevents fat cells from breaking down or swelling further—something that ultimately prevents the formation of fat cells.

Thirdly, Keto Advanced has apple cider, an ingredient notoriously known for its weight capabilities. A bonus ingredient is Green Tea Zest, an antioxidant that breaks down toxins. Green Tea zest also systematically eliminates these toxins, making you healthier.

Manufacturers of Keto Advanced say that these diet pills work in three significant steps. Step number one, instant burning of fat; here, Keto Advanced works by releasing (burning) stored fat by helping your body burn this fat instead of carbs. Manufacturers of this pill claim that the pill is made from advanced ketones that accelerate weight loss, and in the first week, you will have lost 5lbs.

In step two (accelerated fat burn), the BHB ketones in Keto Advanced accelerate the burning of fat, meaning that you should be able to see visible weight loss in a short period of time. In fact, manufacturers of Keto Advanced say that you should expect weight loss of up to 20lbs.

Finally, Keto Advanced transforms your body, helping you achieve the body goals you had set. But that is only if you use the product for 3 to 5 months.

Keto Advanced work

Manufacturers of Keto Advanced recommend that alongside these weight loss supplements, that you take enough water, remain active through exercise and that you steer clear of any recreational drugs.

A bottle of Keto Advanced has 60 capsules, enough for one month; therefore, you should take one in the morning and the other in the evening. A bottle of Keto Advanced averages at $60, but if you take advantage of bundle offers, you will get them at a lower price. For example, the three-bottle bundle goes for $36.9 per bottle. On top of that, you get two more free.

Aktiv Formulations Keto BHB


Including the raspberry ketones added to it, Aktiv Formulations Keto BHB is made from 100 percent natural ingredients. Raspberry ketones promote ketosis by burning fat for energy rather than carbohydrates.

Aktiv Formulations Keto BHB

Aktiv Formulations Keto BHB

All Natural Ingredients
Increases Energy
Mental Clarity

An equally important ingredient is Green tea extract—it acts as a stimulant that promotes body activity and brain performance. Besides being a stimulator, green tea is an oxidant that oxidizes fat, promoting weight loss. Coconut oil is also added to Aktiv Formulations Keto BHB suppresses cravings by giving off a sated effect.

Ketosis may deplete electrolytes; to help with this, Aktiv Formulations Keto BHB manufacturers have added calcium, magnesium, sodium minerals to replenish lost electrolytes. The amino acids in the formula are used to build muscle. And to get better muscle formation, the company recommends that you couple the supplements with exercise. Alternatively, you can use branded-chain amino acids with Aktiv Formulations Keto BHB to lose weight faster.


Unlike other weight loss supplement pills that are sold exclusively on their manufacturer’s website, Aktiv Formulations Keto BHB is sold freely in the market. However, compared to the rest, Aktiv Formulations Keto BHB is relatively affordable, with a bottle going for averaging at $30. And with bundle offers for two bottles going for $ 53 while three bottles (and a bonus bottle) at nearly $80.

A bottle of Aktiv Formulations Keto BHB has 60 capsules; with two bottles, you get a 60-day supply, and with the bundle offer of three bottles (one extra), you have a supply of 120 days. Trim life should be taken once in the morning and once in the evening, with the company saying that you should see results by the first week.

The company claims that the supplement is made from natural ingredients, and as such, it has no side effects. While that might be the case, it won’t hurt to consult your doctor to know if you are the right candidate for this supplement. Pregnant women and individuals who’ve recently had surgery are discouraged from using weight loss supplements, Aktiv Formulations Keto BHB included.

シャーク・タンク ウェイト・ロスの結論




In a world where there are many Keto dupes in the market, you need products that you can trust. And not only that, you need products that you can see their work, and at a shorter time. Besides that, you need to look at how available they, and consider whether there is room for counterfeits purporting to be originals that can make it to your doorstep. Based on these criteria, our number one weight loss pill is GoKeto Capsules. But Besides “Pills” there are also tasty weight loss gummies products like keto gummies. One of the most popular keto gummies supplements are Keto Charge and Keto Blast Gummies.

GoKeto Capsules

GoKeto Capsules

✅ Keeps you energetic throughout the day
✅ Pumps in exogenous ketones
✅ Prevents keto flu symptoms

Shark Tank Weight Loss Pills – Frequently Asked Questions ( FAQs)



Is it serious Anna and Samantha Martin have never been on Shark Tank?








twelve + 16 =



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