Important Points for Women with PCOS

Have you ever heard or read about a situation to which you believed you had the solution? Maybe you’ve seen something on the news and thought, “I know how to fix that…I know what to do about that!” You feel trapped in a soundproof bubble, wanting to scream the answers to the person or people in need. You know how to fix their situation if they would only listen.

 I was reading an article on The Yale School of Medicine regarding their adolescent PCOS program yesterday. A part of me appreciates the fact that there are more practitioners educating themselves on the symptoms, effects and long-term consequences of PCOS. I even love the fact that this particular program is targeting young, adolescent girls as early as 11, merely because I know how devastating it is to deal with PCOS at that age.


However, by the time I finished reading the article, I was swallowed with feelings of overwhelm and sadness. They are treating these girls with the conventional prescription of birth control pills, Metformin and other medications.


Why I was surprised, I’m not sure. I then sighed in frustration. My biggest problem is that I know deep down that I will never reach the amount of women I desire with my solution for PCOS. If it were up to me, I would go to the ends of the earth with my answers because I believe whole-heartedly in my message to women with PCOS.


To spare you of any more melodrama, I’m going to bluntly give you the main points I think women with PCOS must understand.

  • PCOS and its symptoms can be (it’s been proven) reversed without using ANY prescription medication. I’m talking weight loss, zero cravings, lots of energy, a regular menstrual cycle (in which you are OVULATING), and more.
  • If you take prescription medication to treat PCOS and insulin resistance, your body will never, ever be able to do its “job” and treat the condition.
  • Eating the right foods (whole, mostly organic foods) can have a dramatic effect on your body, health and condition. Eating these foods every 3 to 4 hours can further contribute to weight loss, increased energy, balanced hormones, etc.
  • Lifestyle choices have a direct correlation with the affects you feel from PCOS. If you deal with a lot of negativity in your life, you will likely have poor health.
  • If you aren’t getting proper sleep, or if you’re smoking, drinking heavily or eating poorly, you are going to feel terrible and create a poor body image.
  • Exercise is one of the most inexpensive, highly effective things you can do for your health. Just exercising 3 times a week can rejuvenate your mind, body and spirit.
  • Saying you “can’t afford” things that will improve your health creates situations in your life that will further leave you unable to “afford” anything that will make you feel better, look great and have the life you really, truly desire. Stop saying, “I can’t afford that,” and start saying, “How can I afford that? What opportunities do I need to afford that thing that will seriously improve my health?”
  • Long-term effects of PCOS include infertility, heart disease, diabetes and endometrial cancer. These horrible problems do not have to become your reality. There are precautions you can take to prevent these situations.


If you’re struggling with PCOS, I want you to absorb the information above as a message of HOPE. This condition can be controlled and overcome, and your life can be lived as freely as you dream! I know because I have experienced it! You have ONE life, only one. Live it the best way you know how.


For more information on taking control of polycystic ovarian syndrome and to learn more about the natural supplements I took to reverse my PCOS symptoms at

Insulite Health, a Boulder, Colorado USA based company, is committed to reversing Insulin Resistance – a potentially dangerous imbalance of blood glucose and insulin. Scientific research has revealed that this disorder can be a primary cause of many devastating health symptoms. Insulin Resistance can also underlie the increased risk factors for PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) – a major source of serious diseases as well as cause of excess weight gain, obesity and heartbreaking female infertility.

©Insulite Health, Inc., empowers women with PCOS to transform their lives through a process of healing with their PCOS 5-Element System — the world’s only complete solution for helping women heal from the symptoms of PCOS and hormone imbalance.


Still wondering if the symptoms you are suffering with could be PCOS? Click the link below to take the PCOS Quiz and get your PCOS score!

Next Steps

Becoming victorious over the symptoms of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is not an easy task, but you can overcome your symptoms to live the life you deserve.

It takes strength, courage, and perseverance. It can be challenging and that’s why Insulite Health created the PCOS 5-Element System. It’s a step-by-step process that will help you balance your hormones and reverse PCOS symptoms using our proprietary 5% Solution.

So take the next steps now! Use the links below to learn how to make the changes that will transform your health and your life forever.

  1. Read more about PCOS
  2. Take the PCOS Test and assess your risk!
  3. Learn more about the Insulite 5-Element PCOS Solution

About Insulite Health

Insulite Health, is committed to helping women reverse their symptoms of hormone imbalance. Scientific research has revealed that this imbalance can be a primary cause of many devastating health symptoms. Hormone Imbalance can also underlie the increased risk factors for PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) – a major source of serious diseases as well as cause of excess weight gain, adult acne, unwanted facial hair, depression, anxiety, and heartbreaking female infertility.

©Insulite Health, Inc., empowers women with PCOS to transform their lives through a process of healing with the 5-Element PCOS System — the world’s only complete solution for helping women heal from the symptoms of PCOS and hormone imbalance.


Robin is an Integrative Clinical Nutritionist, Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition. She comes to Insulite Health with a passion for helping women live vibrant, passionate lives. Robin had her own struggles with health. As a teenager she suffered from digestive disorders, weight, acne and hypoglycemia. As an adult she continued to struggle with balancing blood sugar, adult acne, mood swings, weight gain, arthritic conditions in her hands and chronic inflammation. Robin understands first hand how symptoms of poor health can keep us from living the life we dreamed of.

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Written by Robin Nielsen
Medical Writer & Editor

Robin is an Integrative Clinical Nutritionist, Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition. She comes to Insulite Health with a passion for helping women live vibrant, passionate lives. Robin had her own struggles with health. As a teenager she suffered from digestive disorders, weight, acne and hypoglycemia. As an adult she continued to struggle with balancing blood sugar, adult acne, mood swings, weight gain, arthritic conditions in her hands and chronic inflammation. Robin understands first hand how symptoms of poor health can keep us from living the life we dreamed of.

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