Testro X Reviews ➡️ Testro X Results Before and After 2025

Testro - X Review

The most common imbalance of testosterone levels is found to be on the low side of average. It occurs because male testosterone levels usually peak at around age 20, and then it starts to decrease slowly with age. Low testosterone levels result in a decline of stamina, strength, physical energy and diminished mental aggressiveness. Well, there are several ways available to boost your testosterone levels with natural remedies and testosterone supplements.

Testosterone is mainly a male sex hormone that is produced by testicles.

Best Natural Testosterone Boosters of 2025

  • All



  • All natural ingredients
  • Increases natural testosterone level
  • Reduces stress significantly
9.5 5 Stars



  • Helps increase your level of Testosterone
  • Increases muscle mass and density
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8.0 5 Stars



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  • 100% Natural Formula
7.6 5 Stars



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8.3 5 Stars



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  • Increase HGH
8.6 4.5 Stars

But it is also present in females in minute amounts. There are some proven ways to boost testosterone levels naturally:

  • Do regular exercises for at least 30 minutes a day.
  • Optimize sleep (minimum 7 hours)
  • Minimize your stress levels
  • Socialize more to keep yourself happy
  • Intake more protein, carbohydrates and fats.
  • Spend some time in the sun, take vitamin D and other supplements like Zinc, vitamin A, B, C, and E. These supplements are vital for testosterone health.
  • Apart from the supplements mentioned above, there are many natural testosterone boosters available in the market, such as TestRx, Nugenix, Testro X and several others.

Testosterone Booster Testro X or TestoRx Testosterone Booster  is one of the most famous and reliable supplements to boost testosterone levels. In this article, we will dig deeper to find all on Testro X and know how it helps in boosting your testosterone levels.

What is Testro X?

Testro X or Six Star Testosterone Booster is one of the most prominent natural Testosterone Boosters. It is formulated specifically to boost healthy testosterone levels. Testro X promotes testosterone through a wide range of herbs, minerals and vitamins. It contains a blend of premium Testro X’s ingredients  such as Magnesium, L-Theanine, Forskolin, Boron, Ashwagandha KSM-66, Bioperine and Glycine.

Testro X is known to improve hormone function, brain function, energy and stamina. Usually, it comes in a pack of 90 capsules that you’ll take in a dosage of 3 capsules per day before going to bed.

Testro X TestoPrime
Product Testro X TestoPrime

  • Increases Stamina
  • Improves Sleep

  • Increase testosterone 
  • Gain quality muscle
  • Enhance sexual performance
  • 100% Safe & Natural
Side Effects
  • X Mild Side effects that vary from person to person.

  • No side effects
Package 90 capsules 60 capsules
Dosage Take 3 capsules in a day before you go to sleep. 2 capsules per day
Supply for 30 days 30 days
Price $46.71 for one bottle $59.99
Star Rating ⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Shipping Free Shipping on orders $99+ Free Shipping
Refund Policy 30-Day Money Back Guarantee 60-Day Money Back Guarantee

What are the ingredients of Testro X?

Testro X has shown positive results in boosting testosterone levels in people. It allows your body to have an optimal hormonal function. Let us discuss its active ingredients to know how this product improves your body’s performance and promotes a healthy testosterone level.

Following are the ingredients of Umzu’s Testro X:

Magnesium (available as Magnesium Citrate)

Magnesium Citrate [C6H6MgO7] plays a crucial role in testosterone production in the human body. The deficiency of magnesium is linked to low testosterone levels. In Testro X, magnesium restores the optimal T-levels within a month. Supplements that contain magnesium in 150mg quantities are proven to increase the free and total testosterone.

Zinc (15mg)

A study has revealed that zinc deficiency promotes low testosterone levels and erectile dysfunction in males. Zinc as Zinc Gluconate is a vital mineral required by the body to produce sex hormones, making DNA and proteins and immune response.

As the human body does not produce this mineral on its own, it becomes necessary to take supplements that can fulfil its need. If you have a severe zinc deficiency, 15mg per serving will provide a good amount of Zinc. Zinc  is good for wound healing too.

Both Magnesium and Zinc are also known effective to improve sleep quality.

Ashwagandha (400mg)

It is the popular magical herb that is an ancient Indian medicine and has countless proven health benefits. Ashwagandha is an ayurvedic medicine that is known to boost testosterone production. However, there is not much evidence to support this. Several reports also claim that it reduces T-levels by reducing the amount of cortisol in the body.

Ashwagandha is used as an adaptogen that helps the body to resist stress and anxiety. It is also known to improve the semen quality in stress-related male fertility.

Boron (400mg)

It is yet another natural element that is used to boost T-levels and treat erectile dysfunction. Various studies suggest that intaking 6mg of boron per day can significantly increase your free T-levels by up to 25%.

Boron is believed to support a healthy balance between synthetic testosterone and estrogen levels. It also reduces the primary female sex hormone, estrogen.

Inositol (200mg)

It is a carbohydrate that regulates crucial neurotransmitters. This mineral is naturally produced in the body, but people can consume it through various foods and dietary supplements in case of its deficiency. It is used to boost fertility and also reduces anxiety and depression.

L-Theanine (100mg)

It is an amino acid that boosts relaxation and increases sleep quality. Though L-Theanine has no direct impact on promoting T-levels in your body, it is known to reduce stress and anxiety. As it combats stress, this compound creates a favourable atmosphere for healthy testosterone production.

Glycine (200mg)

It is also an amino acid that is used by the human body to produce proteins. Glycine is essential for body and tissue growth. It also helps improve sleep quality and protects the liver from alcohol-induced damage.

Black Pepper (10mg)

Black pepper is the common ingredient that is used in several dietary supplements. It increases the absorption of other compounds used in supplements by making sure that they are fully utilized before excretion.

How does Testro X work? How good is the effect?

The ingredients that are present in Testro X contribute towards boosting testosterone levels to quite an extent. Magnesium, Boron and Zinc in Testro X work together to improve T-levels and improve your sleep quality. Apart from naturally enhancing the testosterone levels in the body, Testro X increases lean muscle mass, improves blood pressure and sex life.

The right balance of nutrition and hormones results in making a man powerful. These three elements: Magnesium, Zinc and Boron, lower blood pressure and regulate the body’s T-levels for increased libido or energy during the daytime rush.

Testro X is quite good at promoting better hormonal functions in the human body, same as TestoPrime. This dietary testosterone supplement in the right amount has shown increased energy and testosterone levels that further result in high stamina and endurance. Testro X is made up of only natural ingredients. This testosterone supplement is known to increase your T-levels safely. It has shown promising effects but don’t expect steroid-like results from Testro X as it is a natural and herbal supplement.

How do you use and dose Testro X?

It is recommended to take only three capsules every day before bedtime. Generally, Testro X comes in 90 capsules pack that lasts for a month with daily usage. Some people prefer using these pills in mini-cycles. It means taking capsules only three or four days a week. This has proven helpful in improving the performance of the adaptogens.

Some people take Testro X for two to three weeks then take a one week break. It is not a matter of concern as you are free to experiment with these methods to identify the one that works for you. For a better insight into the dosage of Testro X, you can consult a TRT physician.

How long does it take for Testro X to work?

Usually, it takes about two months before you will see the results. However, these results may vary from person to person. Sometimes, it takes a little more to see the desired results, but it has shown positive effects.

The ingredients of the Testro X have proven to be potent natural testosterone boosters.

Testro X 2025 clinical trial assessment and results: Is it safe to use?

Is Testro X safe to use?

Testro X is naturally free from toxins and harmful chemicals. The reason behind this is that it uses a herbal formula that has scientifically backed ingredients. This supplement is entirely safe to use, and its proper usage has not been associated with any medical complications.

The important thing that users taking Testro X must be aware of is its ingredients. It is recommended to know well in advance that they are not allergic to any of the supplement’s ingredients. Also, persons who have pre-existing medical conditions should consult a licensed physician before taking Testro X.

Avoid taking Testro X if you’re taking other medications such as antihypertensive drugs, antibiotics and muscle relaxants. In case of any other medical condition, it is advised to consult your doctor first before you start Testro X dosage.

Testro X results before and after: Does Testro X really work, or is it a scam?

Various studies and human research by different brands have shown that Testro X is a good natural testosterone booster. It makes the person feel better starting from the first week. ‘Umzu’ is one brand that is known to formulate the Testro X supplement. They even offer a 100% money-back guarantee if you’re not feeling better after using their Testro X. Following are the complete results of Testro X to expect after 2,4,6, and 8 weeks.

  • Testro X results after 2 weeks: Currently, there are no visible results of Testro X after 2 weeks but users have reported that they have felt an increase in their stamina.
  • Testro X results after 4 weeks: After using Testro X for 4 weeks, users started to see the positive results. Some people claim to have incredible changes. They are getting a deep, restful sleep.
  • Testro X results after 6 weeks: The body starts to experience significant changes after 6 weeks. Better hormone production begins to take place in the body. It has found to increase sex drive, lean muscle mass, strength and physical endurance.
  • Testro X results after 8 weeks: Almost all visible changes are visible after using it for 8 weeks. Though some users may see the desired results sooner or later than others depending on their body.

Testro X results before and after

Testro X reviews and ratings: Testro X pros and cons

Pros Cons
 Made of 100% natural ingredients
Significant Boost in hormone levels
x Some users experienced Testro X side effects.

x No guarantee

 Enhances muscular growth x It is a bit expensive
 Increases stamina and endurance x No risk free trial is offered
 Improved sex life
 Increased energy and testosterone levels
 Free from toxins
✓ Proven results to improve T-levels
 Easy and safe to use
✓ Contains clinically dosed ingredients

Testro X positive customer reviews:

Following are some testimonials from people who have used Testosterone Booster Testro X:

John O. on Truthnutra.como [5-star]: “As a 52 year old life time athlete that has never done PED's I am have set a path to learning and experimenting on keeping my hormone engine going naturally before I try HRT. I have been on Testro-X for 3 months and can say that it works for me. I started this journey with a test score of 940 at 52 yrs. That is in the high/low range. Not terrible but certainly showing decline as I get older. I was feeling it too. Strength was hard to maintain let alone increase, same with lean muscle mass. ******** strength and duration also very down. After 3 months on this product, taking recommended dose at night before bed, I am near top level fitness for myself. My face looks tighter, I am leaning out in the belly and have 17% body fat at 6.2 195lbs. It's not addictive and I even notice that I get stronger after being off it for a few days when I forget or travel without it. I'm a fan! One thing to point out is that your endocrine system is like getting an RV to 60MPH it's a slow steady climb but once you get there you've got 4 tons of steel charging down the highway. Be patient and consistent, do the work, start training or consistent training along with dosing every night and in 3to4 weeks you should have results.”

Jason on Truthnutra.com [5-star]: “I'm 45 and in okay shape. I mean I could stand to lose pounds but who doesn't? We're all buying Umzu for a reason, right? I'm not the picture of health/libido and stamina but I still have "lead in the pencil" and still grind out workouts and play ice hockey when I can. The energy has been waning in the past months. My sleep has become very erratic and I've been feeling more down than normal. I had been going to a Testosterone clinic in the past and receiving replacement shots which, along with being expensive, didn't really produce the results I anticipated. Now I didn't think I was going to turn into the ultimate in masculinity and be Burt Reynolds, ****, on the bearskin rug in front of the fireplace but I expected more. My health insurance changed and it became cost prohibitive to continue getting shots and the withdrawal had some negative effects on me; emotionally and physically. Fast forward a few months and I take a stab at Testro-X and lemme tell ya brother; am I glad I did? The clock has turned back some. I'm soundly sleeping 7-8 hours regularly. My workouts have improved and I'm noticing muscle gains and fat loss. Mentally and emotionally I feel way better. And I'd never had any issues "rising to the occasion" but my erections are way more robust and frequent. I'm back to the stiff breeze of wind and waking up with a "rager". The girlfriend has commented on a noticeable difference also. I thoroughly recommend Testro-X and will cycle this on and off with Thyrite (to avoid that pesky Zinc toxicity issue).”

Elvin D. reviewed [5-star] for Testro X five months ago on google where he wrote: To be honest and quite frank, I am one of the most careful and you might say skeptical people but haven't really traded notes with anyone else on that. There are so many scams out there and it's hard to know who to trust. However, my experience thus far with UMZU has been nothing but positive. I am still early in the game with Testro-x but I have noticed significant changes in how I feel and actually look in the mirror. I am getting stronger and recuperating more quickly from my various spills/falls I have taken because of my spinal cord issues, stenosis being one of those, muscle gain is visible too. To be fair to everyone seeing this, I am still in the infant stage of using your products. With that said, I can plainly see that I look and feel better and stronger. My cognitive function is also better now as memories come more clearer to me. My sleep has improved as well. I also take Redwood and Florocil50 now along with Testro-x. I will keep you informed on my progress. Thank you.

Testro X negative customer reviews

Among positive reviews there is some divison in the opinions. Following are the negative reviews of Testro X on Google:

Review by Price on Google (2-star): “Marketing, packaging, delivery all top notch. To be honest tho, this product has the exact same ingredients as most other test boosters btw. testosterone booster. Also, people should be wary - artificially boosting testosterone is the surest way to elevate estrogen and suffer with the dreaded post stack estrogen boost (ask any pro body builder). If you're older and taking this b/c you think low T is the reason behind your fatigue and sarcopenia - you're partly right. But that's natural, and adding exogenous testosterone, despite what this and other sites will tell you, isn't really adviseable. Sure, it makes you feel good, but that's limited. Keep in mind most of the people who swear by this are buying into the hype, or are already young and fit and in a position to maintain their energy or muscle gains. Also, any company that will cite scientific papers with accurate science terms but refer to testicles as "balls" is clearly immature and appealing to ignorant customers. They want you to think that you're not a man if your balls aren't massive or your muscles aren't growing at a ridiculous rate. Do yourself a favor - eat right and exercise and don't give companies like this a chance to swindle you with their fancy labels and over used "science". It's the same thing over and over again. I bet they won't post this.”

Review by Mack on Google [1-star]: “I only came on here because of the f*ckin obnoxious youtube advertisements I keep getting. Because ya know everyone wants while watching videos in public for their computer to suddenly scream "GROW BIGGER BALLS" or talk about 'toxic ****' which by the way is complete and utter ******** made to sell pointless supplements to people. If you ask an actual gastroenterologist they'll tell you 'cleanses' are ****** and all your colon needs is a healthy diet. I'm mostly just ****** to the point where these are the ONLY ads I get on youtube now and they're obnoxious as ****, your rep comes across as a sleazeball and completely untrustworthy because of the ******** he's spouting. I wanted to make my annoyance known and was shocked to come on here and find 1000s of rave Testro X reviews. When sorting through the pictures with images six of them have the EXACT SAME REVIEW, word for word. I figured this business was snake oil but the amount of fake reviews just proves what **** you guys actually are. Quit scamming people and stop annoying the **** out of me with your snake oil, ********, and **** advertisements.”

Is Testro X reputable, or are there any warnings about Testro X on the internet?

Indeed Testro X is reputable, but it is available under various brand names. The most famous brand of Testro X is Umzu. Their product has a 4.7-star rating on Google which is very good. This supplement is favourable in boosting testosterone levels by improving men’s health. It also increases stamina and energy. Regarding warnings, people can experience some mild Testro X side effects after using this product. You can get more ideas on the product by reading user testro x reviews.

Though the product does not list any warnings, it is better to speak to a medical professional before starting any supplement.

What do I need to consider if I want to discontinue Testro X?

As Testro X is a natural dietary supplement, withdrawing from its usage will not affect your body. You will not get addicted to the product, and also, there would be no after-effects of discontinuing Testro X.

Where can you buy Testro X? Testro X price comparison and sales?

Where can you buy Testro X? Testro X price comparison and sales?

You can buy Testro X online from eBay, Walmart, Amazon or Umzu’s official website. Several other companies offer Testro X, and you can purchase them by visiting their respective official websites.

Is Testro X available in a Pharmacy?

It is essential to understand that testosterone is a controlled substance. Testro X is not available at a pharmacy. You can buy it online from Umzu’s official website, Amazon and eBay.

The important thing to note here is that the prices of Testro X on eBay may vary from time to time. At the time of writing this article, Testro X was sold out on eBay. So right now, it is only available on Amazon and Umzu’s official website.

It is better to buy this natural testosterone boosters from the company’s official website. Testro X is moderately priced, and some companies even offer free shipping when you purchase it from their official website.

Testro X review conclusion - Our experience and recommendation

This product has received mixed Testro X reviews over the internet, but a majority of them are positive ones. Undoubtedly Testro X is an effective product, and it has shown some significant and visible results in the users. Some people have objected that the supplement has not provided them with the desired results, but there are some things that a person needs to do while taking any supplement-

✓ Opt for a healthy lifestyle to see better and faster results
✓ The results of any supplement may vary from body to body. Some may see results faster than others, so it is advised to complete the course once.

Testro X by Umzu is made from natural and herbal ingredients, which is the reason it has minimal Testro X side effects. Some people have complained about the dosage instructions that are not appropriately mentioned, so this is something that brands must take care of.

Testro X review conclusion - Our experience and recommendation

Frequently asked questions about Testro X.

People who have started using Testro X for the first time must have too many questions in their minds. So we are answering some of the most prominent questions:

How much does Testro X cost, and where can I buy Testro X for the lowest price?

Are there any Testro X deals or coupon codes?

Is it possible to buy Testro X on eBay and Amazon?

Are there any criticisms for Testro X, or is it right to take Testro X?

Does Testro X have any risks or side effects?

Is it safe to take Testro X continuously?

Who is behind the manufacturer of Testro X?

Do I need a prescription to buy Testro X?

User Reviews


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Written by Dr. Dana Kim
Medical Writer & Editor

Dr. Dana Kim is a clinical pharmacist. She earned her doctorate in pharmacy from the University of Illinois at Chicago. She has worked as a home infusion pharmacist and has written clinical communications for patients and professionals for more than ten years. Dr. Kim is also a Writer for familyfoodandtravel.com.

View all post by Dr. Dana Kim