Resistant Starches for Hormone Balance? Potato Salad – YES!

You may have heard the term resistant starches– it seems to be a fairly new topic but resistant starches have always been around.

Resistant starches can play an important role in your digestive health as well as help keep blood sugar levels stable.

Both are good for balancing hormones.

Resistant starch is a specific fiber that helps feed the good bacteria in our gut and keep our microbiome in tip-top shape.

Having a healthy gut improves symptoms of PCOS and hormone imbalance by allowing your body to receive the nourishment it needs through the food we eat.

We are what we absorb!

Resistant starch works like a fermented fiber inside the gut. It goes through your stomach and small intestine unchanged.

Once in the large intestine these fermented fiberscan feed up to 90% of your microbiome! WOW!

Resistant starches can be found in just a few beneficial foods.

Preparing these foods correctly will offer the most resistant starch benefits.

  • Potatoes – One of our favorite resistant starches are potatoes! Sweet potatoes, red potatoes, or even yams! Roasted, boiled or baked all potatoes will create resistant starches once cooled in the refrigerator for a few hours. Even enjoying raw potatoes will offer a form of resistant starch. 
  • Green Bananas – You generally want to avoid those bright yellow bananas you see on the supermarket shelves, and instead opt for the greenest ones you can find! Adding half of a green banana (with the peel on if you’re brave enough!) to your morning smoothie can help control blood sugar, aide in detoxification, and offer beneficial resistant starches. Green plantains are also an awesome choice! 
  • Rice – Though many grains contain resistant starch due to their fiber structure, rice is our go-to grain of choice. Sprouted rice – rice that has been soaked 24 hours before cooking – is best for easier digestion. Once the rice has been cooked and cooled it can offer a beneficial amount of these resistant starches. 
  • Seeds and Legumes – Both seeds and legumes offer resistant starches. Try mixing up some chia pudding or topping your salad with sunflower seeds. Legumes should be soaked before preparing, then cooled before consuming. Cooking then cooling legumes creates their beneficial resistant starches.

The key is to soak, then cool in the refrigerator 24 hours before eating to get the most benefit.

Take your digestive health up a notch by including some form of resistant starches in your diet daily. Gut health is extremely important when healing symptoms of PCOS. Give your beautiful body what it needs to thrive!

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Next Steps

Becoming victorious over the symptoms of  Polycystic Ovary Syndrome  is not an easy task, but you can overcome your symptoms to live the life you deserve.

It takes strength, courage, and perseverance. It can be challenging  and that’s why Insulite Health  created the  PCOS 5-Element System.   It’s a step-by-step process that will help you balance your hormones and reverse PCOS symptoms using our proprietary 5% Solution.

So take the next steps now! Use the links below to learn how to make the changes that will  transform your health and your life forever.

  1. Read more about PCOS
  2. Take the PCOS Test and assess your risk!
  3. Learn more about the Insulite 5-Element PCOS Solution

About Insulite Health

Insulite Health, is committed to helping women reverse their symptoms of hormone imbalance. Scientific research has revealed that this imbalance can be a primary cause of many devastating health symptoms. Hormone Imbalance can also underlie the increased risk factors for PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) – a major source of serious diseases as well as cause of excess weight gain, adult acne, unwanted facial hair, depression, anxiety, and heartbreaking female infertility.

©Insulite Health, Inc., empowers women with PCOS to transform their lives through a process of healing with the  5-Element PCOS System — the world’s only complete solution for helping women heal from the symptoms of PCOS and hormone imbalance.


Robin is an Integrative Clinical Nutritionist, Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition. She comes to Insulite Health with a passion for helping women live vibrant, passionate lives. Robin had her own struggles with health. As a teenager she suffered from digestive disorders, weight, acne and hypoglycemia. As an adult she continued to struggle with balancing blood sugar, adult acne, mood swings, weight gain, arthritic conditions in her hands and chronic inflammation. Robin understands first hand how symptoms of poor health can keep us from living the life we dreamed of.

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Written by Robin Nielsen
Medical Writer & Editor

Robin is an Integrative Clinical Nutritionist, Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition. She comes to Insulite Health with a passion for helping women live vibrant, passionate lives. Robin had her own struggles with health. As a teenager she suffered from digestive disorders, weight, acne and hypoglycemia. As an adult she continued to struggle with balancing blood sugar, adult acne, mood swings, weight gain, arthritic conditions in her hands and chronic inflammation. Robin understands first hand how symptoms of poor health can keep us from living the life we dreamed of.

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