Eye Doctor Explains A Multifocal Intraocular Lens Implant

A cataract can induce several vision problems for those afflicted by the condition. The eye’s lens is the part that is affected the most by a cataract since it makes it cloudy in appearance. The lens is the part of the eye responsible for focusing light rays onto the eye for us to visualize clearly the images around us at varying distances. Here, we will discuss a form of procedure that can shed new light to a patient with a cataract to see his world a lot more clearly than before.

Normally, a person with a cataract has lenses that are thicker and less transparent, appearing ‘cloudy’ to others. This can be due to aging or injury. Those with the condition suffer from problems in vision including difficulty in seeing far objects, reading, and driving at night. Other issues include having double vision, seeing glares, and colors appearing to be faded.     For this type of issue it is best to deal with a local eye doctor which you can find by doing an online search for eye doctor near me.

One possible form of treatment that a patient can consider is undergoing replacement of his eye’s lenses. The new lenses are referred to as ‘Multifocal Intraocular Lens (IOL)’. The artificial lens can function as accurately as original lenses with the help of coordination from the eye’s muscles in focusing on objects. The lenses allow images of varying distances to be focused on the retina, gaining correct vision once more.

Aside from cataract, patients with presbyopia are also advised by doctors if they need to undergo IOL placement. Presbyopia is a condition wherein a patient has difficulty focusing on nearer objects. It is usually caused by the eye’s lens not being flexible enough when focusing on objects. This normally occurs as we grow older. When the lens cannot change in form as it used to, the eye is unable to perceive objects at farther or nearer distances due to the difficulty in focusing on the light rays that bounce from the object to form a clearer image of it.

Patients that undergo the procedure report being able to see farther more clearly. Having corrected their vision, some also do not need to wear eyeglasses or any other corrective eyewear once they have their lenses replaced. Being an artificially implanted lens, however, the patient will need some time to get used to the lens before seeing optimal results. This is because the brain needs to adjust in moving eye muscles to work with the new lens.

There are several pros in opting to undergo lens replacement and implantation of IOLs. All brands of IOLs will help the patient to be able to see better in terms of focal distance and clarity of vision. Most patients report improved vision to the point that they no longer need to wear corrective eyewear. The effects are also long-lasting and only need regular follow-ups to update the doctor on the lens’ condition.

While IOLs improve vision, there are a few cases as well as side-effects in vision. Some patients have reported seeing halos and glares when looking at brightly lit areas, when driving at night, and when looking closely at objects. While it is a permanent fix, some patients also prefer to just get reading glasses to correct their vision instead of undergoing surgery. Possible complications include having eye inflammation, opacity of the lens becoming hazy, dislocation of the lens, and macular edema or swelling of the central retina. This is why it is important to explore all possible options to correct vision problems so that you, as a patient are fully aware of the pros and cons of each procedure available.

When it comes to applying for IOL surgery, the patient must first be endorsed by a doctor as someone needing the procedure due to the severity of the case. They must be tested via ultrasound to determine the size and shape of their eye and lens. The procedure will be done by removing the affected lens and replacing it with a new one through a small incision on the cornea. Stitches are not needed since the part will heal by itself. After replacement, the doctor will place a shield on the eye and wait for quick recovery for about an hour. After the procedure, the patient will be given antibiotic eye drops. This will help reduce the risk of infection on the newly operated eyes. Also, the patient will be asked to stop other medications which can interfere with the immediate recovery of the eyes.

Multifocal Intraocular Lens provides a possible form of treatment for a patient suffering from cataract or presbyopia. This is by replacing their eye’s defective lens with a new one. While the procedure is not yet a fully perfect procedure due to the lens being artificial in nature, it provides a new alternative and sheds better light for those seeking to have correct vision once more.



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Written by HealthStatus Crew
Medical Writer & Editor

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