Baby Skin & Chapped Cheeks

Baby skin is very delicate.  It can become irritated by a number of things.  Dryness or chapping of skin can be caused by a number of reasons.  Some babies are more perceptible to getting dry skin than others.  Sometimes it can be tricky to find out what is causing the dry skin, but usually it is treatable and doesn’t require any medical attention. 


Causes of Dry Chapped Skin

Skin can be chapped from a number of reasons.  Some reasons that can cause dry skin on your baby are Fifths disease, teething rash, eczema, skin infection, overexposure to water, dehydration, or weather.  Even what types of lotions, soaps or laundry detergent can cause irritation to your baby’s skin.  Winter air can be a big factor on your baby’s skin condition.  Especially on the face and cheeks, since these are more exposed to the cold wind, and air since they are hard to cover up completely.  


Skin Conditions That Cause Dry Skin

Dry skin can look red, taut, and flaky.  Sometimes there will be random patches of dryness on a certain part of the body, or you will have lots of dryness over a larger area. 

Fifths disease is a viral infection that your child can catch.  Usually once the rash from Fifths disease becomes present your child is no longer contagious.  The rash usually is on the cheeks, upper arms, torso, or legs.  It is sometimes known as red lacy cheeks from the rash that presents itself.  Red cheeks are usually the first thing to get noticed that alarms you that your child has Fifths disease. 

Another skin condition that can affect your child is eczema.  Eczema can cause skin to be itchy, dry and peeling, red, chafed, inflamed, and also cause a rash on the face, neck, wrists, knees, elbows, or ankles.  

Teething can also lead to dryness around the mouth and chin area.  The excess amount of drool can cause your child’s skin to dry out. 

Overexposure to water can also have a drying effect.  Too much exposure to water can cause all the natural oils of your baby’s skin to get wiped away causing your child’s skin to dry out in the end.  


Read More:  7 Expert Tips To Heal Chapped Lips


Treatment & Lifestyle Changes To Ease Dry Chapped Skin

Thankfully dry skin is usually no big deal and changing somethings at home can help alleviate any unpleasantness your child is feeling. 

Keep baths short and sweet in winter months.  Too much warm water can dry off the oils on the skin.  Have lukewarm baths, and pat your baby dry when all finished don’t rub them.  Check what soap you are using to wash your baby.  If it is too perfumey it can irritate the sensitive skin, look for fragrance free baby soap. 

Make sure your child is getting enough fluids.  Add extra hydration to help hydrate from the inside out. 

Moisturize, but just like the soap make sure it is fragrance free.  There are bunches of baby lotions to choose from. 

During the winter don’t overheat your house.  Overheating can cause the air to become too dry.  If you do have to keep your house hot, try running a humidifier to put moisture back into the air. 

Check what laundry detergent you are using.  Even after a year some baby’s will need to be on sensitive, no fragrance laundry detergent. 


Winter & Your Baby’s Skin

There are lots of things to do to help keep your baby’s skin from becoming too dry.  Make sure during the winter that you bundle them up so as much skin is covered from the wind and air.  You can always moisturize before you go out so they have a barrier of protection on their skin that is still exposed, such as their face and cheeks.  Adding in extra moisturizing during the day can also be helpful.  As well as eliminating excess time outside.  



Baby skin being so delicate can become red, chapped, or irritated very quickly.  Since there are so many things that can cause skin irritation, make sure you find what is causing your child’s skin troubles.  Usually you don’t need medical attention unless it is persistent and will not go away even with you changing somethings daily.  You can always speak with your healthcare provider if you suspect Fifths disease, or eczema, or another skin infection.  

Take The Dry Skin Care Quiz!


Chapped skin rarely needs medical attention unless it is persistent and will not go away even with some lifestyle changes.

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HealthStatus has been operating since 1998 providing the best interactive health tools on the Internet, millions of visitors have used our blood alcohol, body fat and calories burned calculators. The HealthStatus editorial team has continued that commitment to excellence by providing our visitors with easy to understand high quality health content for many years. Our team of health professionals, and researchers use peer reviewed studies as source elements in our articles. Our high quality content has been featured in a number of leading websites, USA Today, the Chicago Tribune, Live Strong, GQ, and many more.

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