Hormone Balance Day 2: Become More Stress Resilience

This is day two of my five secrets to hormone balance rockstar training. Today is all about how do we become more stress resilient. What that means is that we are going to love all of our adrenal glands. Some of you know what that means, you’ve heard about that before. You heard about how adrenal glands play some sort of role. Let me show you what that means today, we’re going to make it a lot simpler. Remember, as we keep showing up to support ourselves, our genetics actually express themselves for the better.  

So we are always changing our gene expression when we’re doing something that takes better care of ourselves. Awesome, right? So just keep showing up because you’re creating this awareness that is absolutely incredible and so supportive for you. Just breathe in now for me. It’s really adrenally supportive when you breathe in. I used to have short breath and could just barely breathe all day long, so it’s no wonder I completely burned out my adrenal glands. When we breathe, it really helps to reset our stress level.

There’s one thing that I learned that a long time ago when I was talking to a friend. He was talking about something related to business, and about how to have more stress resilience. One of the things he talked about was when you go to the bathroom, and how it’s a time that you have to yourself for the most part. When you get to close the door, you sit on the pot all by yourself, and he said, that’s a great time just to breathe. He takes five deep breaths, really deep belly breaths. Work your belly, and just go back to rest and digest.  

I want to read what some of what you joined this program to hear about. So one woman said that she’s been diagnosed with adrenal fatigue. Let’s call it adrenal dysfunction is so that we’re current with the terminology. She wants to learn as much as possible to heal as soon as possible. I love that, so what are we waiting for? Let’s just get this done.

And the next one is a woman who wants to learn more about how she can get rid of her facial hair and anxiety, and she feels like it’s related to adrenal sweats. Another woman says, she’s been fully healthy for most of her life, and she’s 70. I love that she’s doing research on how she could continue to age better. But she said she’s beginning to realize that she has the beginnings of an autoimmune condition, which she believes is a reflection of hormonal imbalances. I’m so glad that she is here.  

Another woman wants to know how to reduce stress. She also wants to know how to better handle hot flashes, and we’re actually going to cover that today. Here is someone with irregular cycles and infertility, and she needs some positive people were going through the same thing who can encourage her and help her on this journey. We are so here for you. Love, love, love, love we’re so here for you.

>>> To watch all of the hormone training videos
in their entirety and access the assessments, click here! <<<

Next Steps

Becoming victorious over the symptoms of  Polycystic Ovary Syndrome  is not an easy task, but you can overcome your symptoms to live the life you deserve.

It takes strength, courage, and perseverance. It can be challenging  and that’s why Insulite Health  created the  PCOS 5-Element System.   It’s a step-by-step process that will help you balance your hormones and reverse PCOS symptoms using our proprietary 5% Solution.

So take the next steps now! Use the links below to learn how to make the changes that will  transform your health and your life forever.

  1. Read more about PCOS
  2. Take the PCOS Test and assess your risk!
  3. Learn more about the Insulite 5-Element PCOS Solution

About Insulite Health PCOS.com

Insulite Health is committed to helping women reverse their symptoms of hormone imbalance. Scientific research has revealed that this imbalance can be a primary cause of many devastating health symptoms. Hormone Imbalance can also underlie the increased risk factors for PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) – a major source of serious diseases as well as the cause of excess weight gain, adult acne, unwanted facial hair, depression, anxiety, and heartbreaking female infertility.

©Insulite Health, Inc., pcos.com empowers women with PCOS to transform their lives through a process of healing with the  5-Element PCOS System — the world’s only complete solution for helping women heal from the symptoms of PCOS and hormone imbalance.


Robin is an Integrative Clinical Nutritionist, Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition. She comes to Insulite Health with a passion for helping women live vibrant, passionate lives. Robin had her own struggles with health. As a teenager she suffered from digestive disorders, weight, acne and hypoglycemia. As an adult she continued to struggle with balancing blood sugar, adult acne, mood swings, weight gain, arthritic conditions in her hands and chronic inflammation. Robin understands first hand how symptoms of poor health can keep us from living the life we dreamed of.

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Written by Robin Nielsen
Medical Writer & Editor

Robin is an Integrative Clinical Nutritionist, Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition. She comes to Insulite Health with a passion for helping women live vibrant, passionate lives. Robin had her own struggles with health. As a teenager she suffered from digestive disorders, weight, acne and hypoglycemia. As an adult she continued to struggle with balancing blood sugar, adult acne, mood swings, weight gain, arthritic conditions in her hands and chronic inflammation. Robin understands first hand how symptoms of poor health can keep us from living the life we dreamed of.

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