There is an ideal temperature for comfortable sleep. Trying to sleep when it is too hot leads to difficulty falling asleep and fragmented sleep without dreaming. Most places in the world that experience extreme heat have air-conditioned homes. This becomes a problem when the electrical grid can’t handle the demand. There are some things to do to help reduce heat when sleeping without electrical air-conditioning. Keep all blinds closed during the day and keep sleeping areas on lower floors because heat rises. If there is nothing to be done at a person’s own home to reduce heat, ask friends or relatives if they will allow sleeping at their homes for a few days. Sleeping outdoors can be a good alternative if steps are taken for protection from mosquitoes and other biting insects. Some communities set up cooling centers in schools or other public buildings. Wear light pajamas or sleep nude and use light bedclothes. Taking a shower or using a water mister before sleeping contributes to feeling cooler. If there is no air-conditioning but still access to electric, place ice cubes or frozen vegetables in front of a fan to circulate cool air. Drink plenty of water to replace fluids and electrolytes lost while sweating. Eat small, frequent meals instead of large amounts of food at once. Never try to sleep in a vehicle with the air conditioning running. This can lead to carbon monoxide build-up and death.
Key Points:
- 1Research has shown that there seems to be an ideal temperature for sleep and when this temperature is very high, it takes longer to fall asleep, and once sleep is achieved, it is broken up or fragmented and there is less dreaming.
- 2In many parts of the world where it is always hot in the summer, people will often have air conditioning in their dwellings. However, with extreme heat waves, electrical power often goes down because of increased demand.
- 31. Do whatever you can to prevent excessive heat build-up in your sleep environment . During the daytime use blinds to keep out sunlight and keep the windows closed if the temperature outside is much hotter than inside. At night time, if the temperature is less outside than inside, open your windows.
If there is absolutely nothing you can do to cool off your dwelling, consider asking friends or relations who have a cooler dwelling or who live in a cooler place, whether you can stay with them for a few nights.
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