Herbal Fiber Cleanse – 180 Ct

It`s like a “Spring-cleaning” for your internal organs

  • Supports a natural detoxification of the bowels
  • Helps remove impacted fecal matter and toxins
  • Helps cleanse the bloodstream and various organs
  • Can help restore healthy digestive function

Purium‘s Herbal Fiber CleanseTM  is a unique, all natural blend of herbs and fibers that help cleanse, detoxify, purify, and remove impacted fecal matter. We recommend taking it with one of our green foods and the Daily Fiber BlendTM  to ensure proper detoxification and digestion.

Servings per container: 60

Instructions:  Take 3 capsules twice a day. We recommend taking this with a green drink.

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More Information

What it is:  A proprietary blend of specifically chosen herbs designed to help give a thorough detoxification of the blood, organs, and bowels, to be used on an as needed basis.


  • Supports a natural detoxification of the bowels
  • Helps remove impacted fecal matter and toxins
  • Supports healthy immune function
  • Helps cleanse the bloodstream and various organs
  • Can help restore healthy digestive function

Interesting Facts:
Alfalfa leaf acts as a diuretic, good for colon and digestive disorders, must be used in fresh, raw form to provide vitamins

Apple Fiber helps with bowel distress due to high water binding ability

Burdock Root purifies the blood, restores liver and gallbladder function and stimulates immune system.

Cascara sagrada acts as a colon cleanser and a laxative. Useful for colon disorders, constipation, and parasitic infestation.

Dandelion leaf cleanses the bloodstream and liver and increase production of bile. Used as a diuretic. Improves functioning of kidneys, pancreas, spleen, and stomach.

Fennel Seed is used as an appetite suppressant, promotes the functioning of the kidneys, liver, and spleen, relieves colon disorder, gas, gastrointestinal tract spasms- can be used as a flea repellent.
Fenugreek is a bulk laxative that lubricates the intestines.

Fiber gum helps in the removal of toxins

Ginger Root cleans the colon, useful for bowel disorders

Glucomannon picks up and removes fat from the colon wall. This substance is good for diabetes and obesity.

Guar gum is good for treatment of diabetes and for curbing the appetite, reduce the levels of cholesterol triglycerides, and low density lipoproteins on the blood, and binds with toxic substances and carries them out of the blood.

Irish Moss aids in the formation of stool and is good for many intestinal disorders

Lemon peel is traditionally used as a medicine for stimulating the appetite as well as treating gastric juice deficiency and to aid digestion.

Licorice Root cleanses the colon, beneficial for inflammatory bowel disorders and should not be used during pregnancy or by persons with diabetes, glaucoma, heart disease, blood pressure, severe menstrual problems, or a history of strokes. Also should not be used on a daily basis for more than 7 days in a row, as this can result in high blood pressure in persons with previously low blood pressure.

Locust Bean Gum functions as a fiber, easing bowel function, and is also used as a bulk laxative.

Marshmallow Root acts as a diuretic and expectorant, good for bladder infection, digestive upsets, fluid retention, intestinal disorders, and kidney problems.

Papaya leaf Stimulates the appetite and aids digestion, good for heartburn, indigestion, and inflammatory bowel disorders.

Peppermint leaf enhances digestion by increasing stomach acidity. Slightly anesthetizes mucous membranes and the gastrointestinal tract.

Plantain leaf is soothing to the lungs and urinary tract.

Psyllium husk is a good intestinal cleaner and stool softener

Red clover acts as a relaxant, good for bacterial infections, HIV and AIDS, inflammatory bowel disorders, kidney problems and liver disease

Red raspberry is good for diarrhea

Rice Bran helps lower cholesterol

Skull cap relieves muscle cramps, pain spasms, and stress

Slippery elm soothes inflamed mucous membranes of the bowels, stomach, and urinary tract, good for diarrhea and ulcers

Yellow Dock acts as a blood purifier and cleanser, improves colon and liver function.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and were not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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Greg lost 32 pounds (and counting) with the Purium Ultimate Lifestyle Transformation and Core 4 programs during 2020. The Purium product line is something he highly recommends and uses himself every day. Greg founded HealthStatus in 1998 and continues to deliver high quality products and services to HealthStatus visitors.

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Written by Greg White
Medical Writer & Editor

Greg lost 32 pounds (and counting) with the Purium Ultimate Lifestyle Transformation and Core 4 programs during 2020. The Purium product line is something he highly recommends and uses himself every day. Greg founded HealthStatus in 1998 and continues to deliver high quality products and services to HealthStatus visitors.

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