How To Motivate And Encourage Your Nursing Staff

When you run a healthcare business, your staff are likely to be some of the most important people in your life. Additionally, your nurses are bound to be the lifeblood of your business. You need to ensure that they are always getting the most out of their time with you so you can be certain that they are satisfied with their jobs. Here are some of the best things you can do to motivate and encourage your nursing staff.


Further Education


One of the best ways you can encourage and grow your nursing staff is to allow them to pursue different avenues of education. By becoming more qualified in certain areas, they will prove to be a valuable member of staff. Try to set up a working internal promotion system and make it clear that anyone who does better themselves will be well-rewarded by the company.

For example, you could part-sponsor their courses. To keep their nursing licenses, your staff will have to undertake a nursing CEU, or a nursing Continuing Education Unit. These can be expensive to undertake, so as an employer you could sponsor their education as an employee benefit to help retain valuable and hard-working members of staff.


Regular Team Meetings


Every business, regardless of their industry, should hold regular team meetings to help gauge how the staff is motivated. Encourage these sessions to be open books. You need to want your employees to contribute to them and air any issues they might have. This will help you achieve a happier workplace overall.

If there is a problem with the practice, open the floor and encourage them to discuss it. They might be able to come up with a solution that is better than you could have. By asking for their input, you will also be able to show that their opinions do matter to you as an employer.


Motivate the Individual


In addition to team meetings, you also need to ensure that your team members are working well on an individual level. What might work for one team member won’t work for another. You need to ensure that you are supporting everyone, no matter who they might be in your business.

Higher-performing employees need just as much motivation as the low-performing ones, they just need a different type of motivation. You need to work out plans for each individual employee so they have the tools they need to advance themselves and self-motivate no matter what.

Keeping your nursing staff happy and motivated is the best recipe for a happy practice. They are going to be the heart and soul of your business so you need to make sure they are always happy at work. Start by assessing their thoughts and attitudes towards the business and make some changes based around this. Once you have an open and clear form of communication between all parties, you will have a much happier workplace overall. Start encouraging your nursing staff to reach their full potential today.




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Written by HealthStatus Crew
Medical Writer & Editor

HealthStatus teams with authors from organizations to share interesting ideas, products and new health information to our readers.

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