7 Tips To Make Your Life Easier And Less Stressful After A Divorce

After a divorce, you might feel as if your life will never be the same again. The pain and heartache probably feel unbearable. Besides the emotional trauma, you could also be struggling financially with one income. You might also have children, and helping them deal with your divorce could also be extremely tough. Or perhaps your kids don’t live with you anymore, and missing them is devastating. Whatever you are feeling, it helps to know that others have been there too. They have also come out of the storm, and have rebuilt their lives.

If you are wondering about how to make life easier and less stressful after a divorce, then you have come to the right place. Here are 7 tips that can help you cope after a divorce.


1. Create a Budget

If you haven’t already, it would be a good idea to make a new budget. According to Online Divorce, after divorce things will be different financially. You will only have one income, and hopefully alimony. You might have to pay for your own rent, and your own insurance, and so on. Having a budget will help you plan for your expenses, and help you to save. Having a budget will help you to stress less because you will know exactly where your money needs to go.


2. See a Therapist

If you are struggling emotionally with your divorce, then seeing a therapist can do wonders. Talking about your feelings will help you to heal and move forward. By allowing yourself to grieve and feel what you need to, you will be able to cope better. By bottling up your feelings, you won’t be able to move forward with your life. Keeping emotions suppressed is bad for your mental and physical health. Rather feel what you need to and talk about your pain as often as you need. If you have children, letting them come along with you to sessions will also help them to cope with their emotions.


3. Eat Healthily

Sometimes when we are depressed we either stop eating, or we end up eating foods that don’t nourish our bodies. Maybe you might not have the urge to eat healthy homemade meals, so you might get takeout often. Your body needs to be nourished with healthy foods to cope with stress. If you feed your body healthy meals, you will be able to cope better. Supplements are also a good idea. By taking vitamins such as Omega 3 & 6, as well as B12, your body will have what it needs to fight depression. Remember to eat lots of fruit and vegetables, as well as whole grains. Cut out processed foods, as well as foods containing a lot of sugar. Another thing that you will need to be careful of is becoming dependent on things such as alcohol and drugs. These substances might numb the pain for a short while, but in the long run, alcohol, and drugs can lead to major problems. It is also wise to drink 8-13 glasses of water daily. By eating healthily you will also help your body fight illness, which could come as a result of stress.


4. Exercise

When we are down, the last thing we feel like doing is exercising, but exercise has been scientifically proven to fight depression and stress. Start off slow. Go for a walk every second or third day. Walking and being outside will also reduce stress levels. You could also join a gym or a jogging club. This is also a great way to meet new people. If you don’t have the time to go to the gym, there are many apps that you could download on your phone with exercise programs that you can do in the comfort of your own home.


5. Get Enough Sleep

The average adult needs between 7 and 9 hours of sleep every night. Sleep helps our bodies rejuvenate, and is essential for keeping stress at bay. Did you know in the early 1900s the average amount of hours people slept was 9 hours every night? The average person only sleeps about 6 hours or so a night. This is way too little sleep for us to function properly. Technology has made it harder for us to get to bed earlier. We might spend hours on our phone at night, or binge-watch series until the early hours of the morning.   When we are undergoing stressful times or depression we might get insomnia. If this is the case, try to drink a lot of water, cut out caffeine and alcohol. If you still struggle then seeing a doctor would be a good idea. The body needs a sufficient amount of sleep every night in order for it to function properly.


6. Be Around Friends and Family

Now is not the time to isolate yourself. We might want to be alone, and that’s ok for a short period of time, but don’t isolate yourself for weeks on end. After a divorce, you will need to surround yourself with friends and family who love you, and who make you feel happy. By having people around, you will make your life easier. Do you need someone to watch your kids for the day, so you can have a day to yourself? Then ask a friend or family member. By letting those you love know what you need, you will make your life easier to cope with. Another way to reduce stress is to also show love. Keep busy. Maybe by helping someone else with a problem they are facing, it can help you forget about your own heartache. Even if it’s for a little while.


7. Forgive

Divorce can leave you with a bitter taste in your mouth. If your ex cheated on you, or hurt you in some other way, you could be harboring a lot of hate and resentment. It takes time to heal, yes, but forgiveness can really help you let go. Forgiveness can improve your mental and physical health, one study showed. The sooner you can forgive, the better it will be for your own mental and physical health.


Life after a divorce is like inventing a new life. It can be hard physically, financially and emotionally. But if you follow these tips, you will be able to make it a little less stressful. Even though it hurts now, life will get easier, and the pain will become less in time.




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