Depression Stress

Our Depression Stress Anxiety articles on

How To Help A Teen With Depression

For many parents, facing the fact that your teen has a mental health condition can be terrifying. As one of the most common mental illnesses, teen depression is experienced by millions all over the world and should not be ignored. No matter your age or background, you may experience depression, which can impact every aspect […]

3 Simple Methods To Relieve Stress And Tension

Stress is how our body reacts when faced with various challenges that occur in our everyday lives. It does not necessarily have to be harmful unless it is no longer something within your control and becomes chronic. Everyone goes through the stress that results from daily things — from minor inconveniences to more complex circumstances […]

Five Ways To Manage With Anxiety

Times are uncertain and there are a lot of people who are anxious. Anxiety is a symptom of life’s problems, but it is also a disorder that can be chronic. Many people struggle with anxiety and don’t even know it. Don’t worry, there are plenty of methods you can use to mitigate physical symptoms and […]

Top Tips For Managing Depression

If you’ve been struggling to smile, enjoy your usual activities, feel energized, concentrate, and combat negative thoughts recently and notice the issue is getting worse, you may be suffering from depression. Some other symptoms include changes in appetite or weight and difficulty socializing.

Coping With Mental Illness: Which Treatment Is Right For Me?

Dealing with mental illness is never easy, but the type of treatment you need depends on your particular diagnosis and this is why that is always the first step to take. If you are trying to cope with mental illness on any level from mild to profound, there is a treatment plan that is best […]

5 Tips For Taking Care Of Your Mental Health

Mental illness is a serious issue in the world today. Even before the pandemic started, the National Alliance on Mental Illness reported that 20.6% of adults in the United States experience a mental health issue while one in 20 adults suffers from serious forms of mental illness.

Data Analytics, Mental Health, and Therapy

Collectively many of us have been finding that over the past year our mental health has really taken a hit. We may find that activities we used to love have become bitter in our mouths. We are finding that transitioning back into pre-covid routines and being more socially active is harder than we thought it […]

What Are Common Anxiety Disorder Treatments?

We live in a stressful world, and it is not uncommon to feel anxious from time to time. However, some people experience higher and more consistent levels of anxiety than other people.

COVID-19 Survivor: 4 Reasons To Seek Professional Counseling

The surge of the COVID-19 pandemic is one of the most unexpected events many people have to deal with despite lacking sufficient knowledge about it. Apart from derailing the standard way of living of people, the disease also caused a large-scale impact on their lives as they’re obliged to conform to the ‘new normal.’

How To Efficiently Manage Stress At The Workplace

In today’s hectic world, it is understandable that several working professionals are getting overwhelmed with their daily tasks. However, when work stress becomes chronic, it can be harmful to your overall well-being. Here are some steps you can take to efficiently manage your work-related stress and create a healthier work environment.