Five Health And Wellness Tips For College Students

College is the first time you’ll be on your own and it’s the perfect time to set yourself up for a lifetime of healthy eating and exercise habits. But with all the new activities and studying, it can be hard to find time to exercise, eat healthy, get enough sleep, and recharge mentally and physically. Students often complain about their hectic schedule that prevents them from keeping fit and maintaining a work-life balance.

At times, college life gets so overwhelming that students find themselves faced with immense pressure, which culminates in chronic fatigue, shattered nerves, and inability to focus. To alleviate their academic burden, many students rely on custom writing services that can write research paper online and thus save them tons of time and energy. Still, this may not suffice to live a healthy and fulfilling life in college. Below are some useful tips that can help you stay healthy, keep the freshman 15 at bay, and maintain a positive mind in college.


#1 Keep on Moving

You need to exercise regularly. Even 30 minutes a day produces results. It is a good idea to make use of the gym your tuition is paying for or join an intramural sports team to be regularly active. Furthermore, forget about sitting still longer than 30 minutes. Keep your mind fresh by moving your body.

Even if you own a car and your city has the best public transportation in the world, try to forgo riding to your classes. Getting to your college by bus or car is much quicker and more convenient, but it definitely isn’t conducive to staying in shape. Make it your rule to walk to your classes. Alternatively, you may opt for biking if you want to burn more calories and recharge before the class.


#2 Keep a Balanced Diet

A healthy body requires a healthy diet, especially if you want to avoid the notorious “freshman fifteen.” If your school offers a buffet-style cafeteria, show some restraint. Just all this food is there doesn’t mean you have to eat it. Fill up on good foods like lean meats, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. If you’re craving something don’t eat the whole thing. Take a bite or two and be done with it.

Some people rush to grab a sandwich or a bag of chips when they are stressed out. And college students are no exception. Note that eating isn’t the best way to combat stress and anxiety. Instead of binging on snacks, take a walk, stretch, swim, or just take a break when you feel overwhelmed. This will help you take your mind off problems and clear your head.


#3 Consume Alcohol in Moderation

It’s not a secret that college life is known not only for studies, classes, and seminars, but also wild parties and binges. For many students alcohol consumption is a contributing factor to weight gain and other health problems in college. Not to fall victim to the harmful habit, treat alcohol like dessert and don’t overindulge. Drink in moderation if you cannot refrain from drinking alcohol altogether. Also, avoid sweetened drinks with empty calories. And if you’re opting for beer, remember to go light.


#4 Keep a Healthy Sleeping Pattern

Much has been said about the importance of sleep hygiene for both mental and physical health. When it comes to college life with its inherent stressors and increased mental workload, a good night’s sleep becomes critical. When in college, make sure to get enough sleep. It’s not only beneficial to your overall physical well-being, but also boosts problem-solving and memory. Scientists also emphasize that good sleep habits are a prerequisite for tackling various mental challenges, which are plentiful in college, maximizing mental awareness, and repairing the damage caused by stress and other harmful exposures. Though sleep deprivation is a commonly experienced condition among students, you definitely want to refrain from pulling the notorious all-nighters and sacrificing your sleep for a party.


#5 Learn Time Management Skills

It’s a rare student whose academic schedule isn’t falling apart, especially during the first year in college. Getting essential time management skills will spare you much distress and headache. Don’t procrastinate.   Sketch your deadlines and plan your workload accordingly. Eliminate or avoid distractions when working on your assignments. Should you feel like you’ve got too much on your plate, don’t hesitate to cut down on your work hours or give up some extracurriculars. Always allow time for relaxation and unwinding to prevent mental exhaustion and emotional burnout.


Following the above tips will ensure your college experience is healthy, fit, and fun.




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Written by HealthStatus Crew
Medical Writer & Editor

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