Importance Of Proper Nutrition If You Want To Lose Weight

Struggling with weight is becoming a problem that many people face at some point in their life. Every person wants their body to be slim and fit. Sometimes, this is because of the influence of the popular culture, media industry, or simply wanting to look admirable. While other times, it’s a genuine concern.

But losing weight seems to be a lot trickier than it looks. The internet is flooded with all kinds of exercise regimens and yoga techniques that fervently promise permanent weight loss in a short period. Yet, as most people have come to realize, a large portion of these techniques don’t work.

When it comes to shedding off those excess pounds, nothing is more important than your diet. And, that’s what we will be discussing today.


The Importance Of Nutrition


You might be wondering why you don’t lose weight when you’re exercising. The answer is that you’re probably not giving your diet the importance it deserves.

Let’s talk from a scientific perspective about why your food intake is so crucial when it comes to losing weight. Food is made up of energy. When you eat, you gain this energy, or commonly referred to as calories, then your body uses it to move about and complete all its daily tasks. Any excess calories are, then, stored as fat.

On days when you haven’t consumed any food, your body uses, or rather, burns this fat to help you do the things you need to do. Thus, to complete your tasks and do all the things that you do, your body needs a certain amount of calories every day. This amount is called your maintenance intake.

If you consume a sufficient number of calories every day (the amount that your body needs), your body weight will not gain nor lose weight since you’re getting all your energy from the food you intake.

But let’s say you start eating a bit more food daily. What happens? Your body will begin storing those excess calories as fat. This fat slowly builds up as long as you’re consuming the extra food, providing you with extra weight.

To combat this, you need to eat an amount of food that’s lower than what your maintenance level is. This way, when your body isn’t getting enough energy from your food, it starts to burn up fat to meet its energy requirements, resulting in weight loss.

Here’s a closer look at how nutrition is important in your weight loss journey:


1.   Exercise Without Diet Is Useless


Not only is your diet the most important factor contributing to weight loss, but it’s also the only factor needed for the other methods to work.

Let’s take exercise as an example. Exercising without taking considering one’s diet is futile because you’ll unknowingly compensate for the calories you burnt by eating extra food.

You can put in all the hours you want in the gym and lift the most massive weight you possibly can, but it’ll all be in vain without keeping regular track of the food you consume daily. Hence, your weight loss goals will not be accomplished.

Additionally, along with exercising and proper diet, incorporating supplements, such as the ones available from Transparent Labs, will also speed up your weight loss.


2.   Exercise Increases Your Appetite


Many studies were conducted that provide evidence for the fact that people exercising witnessed a slow but steady rise in their eating habits, thus laying waste to all those hours spent in the gym.

Careful reviewing these facts indicates how important diet is when it comes to decreasing your weight.


3.   Diet Influences Your Quality Of Exercise


If you can set your diet straight, you’ll start seeing results from your regular exercise routines. In addition to that, a properly nutritious diet will even help you exercise better and provide you with more stamina, speeding your weight loss journey.

Even if you’re not consuming extra food after exercising, an absence of a nutritious diet will still make those workout sessions far less effective than they could be.

Supplying your body with the proper nutrients gives it a significant energy boost and allows you to give your best when you’re in the gym.

If you’re confused about what diet to follow, you can do some research on the best natural foods that help with weight loss.


4.   Short-Term Weight Loss Is Heavily Dependent On Diet


Even when you’re looking to shed some weight in a concise amount of time, diet is still a critical factor. It becomes even more necessary when the period is shortened.

A common problem among obese people is that they don’t feel comfortable going to a gym in their current shape, and want to become relatively fitter before they join one.

A proper diet will make this goal accomplishable. If you can carefully monitor your calorie intake, it’s possible to quickly shed a little bit of weight without any exercise whatsoever.

Another problem faced by obese people is that their body weight makes it impossible for them to move fast enough to produce the energy required to burn a sufficient amount of calories. In such situations, diet is still the best option for weight loss without exercising.


5.   Diet Is The Only Antidote To Clinical Obesity


When it comes to clinical obesity, exercise is entirely unhelpful. What’s even worse, it doesn’t even stop obese people from gaining additional weight!

This is because obesity is the result of a chronic dietary condition that can only be countered by fixing the food intake.


Start Your Weight Loss Journey!


If you’ve been trying to lose weight for an extended period, only to be met with failure after failure, then don’t lose hope!

Most people fail in accomplishing their weight loss goals because they don’t recognize the real importance that their diet plays. Now that you’ve been informed on how critical the role of your food intake plays, you’re well on your way towards having a much healthier body.

We wish you the best of luck on your fitness journey!




HealthStatus has been operating since 1998 providing the best interactive health tools on the Internet, millions of visitors have used our health risk assessment, body fat and calories burned calculators. The HealthStatus editorial team has continued that commitment to excellence by providing our visitors with easy to understand high quality health content for many years.

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Written by HealthStatus
Medical Writer & Editor

HealthStatus has been operating since 1998 providing the best interactive health tools on the Internet, millions of visitors have used our health risk assessment, body fat and calories burned calculators. The HealthStatus editorial team has continued that commitment to excellence by providing our visitors with easy to understand high quality health content for many years.

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