How Your Exercise Regimen Can Impact Your Weight Loss

A good exercise regimen paired with the right diet are the keys to lose weight. That’s why you need an exercise plan, which should include both cardio and strength training.    

However, many people don’t get enough exercise to lose weight. Also, take note that if you want to see results, you need to make sure you’re exercising the right way. Furthermore, exercising doesn’t necessarily have to involve moving around. Instead, it should be a routine that you consistently do.  

That being said, here are a couple of exercise regimens you can do and how they can have an impact on losing weight:  


1.   High-intensity Intermittent Exercise Burns Fat Easily  

You may easily lose more weight when you incorporate high-intensity intermittent exercise into your daily schedule. This is a method that’s actually referred to as interval training. High-intensity intermittent exercise is known to burn fat, improve overall fitness, and even reversing some diseases. This is why you see so many celebrities and professional athletes regularly performing this type of exercise.

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a great way to keep your body healthy and fit, as well as burn calories, helping you lose weight quickly. You can use this type of training to tone your muscles and reduce the risk of injuries. It’s essential to get your body into better physical shape, and this type of training can help you do this quickly.

If you want more challenge, increase your workout’s intensity. Instead of performing a certain number of repetitions, you can perform different exercises as you wish. This means you can burn more calories at one time than you would in regular workout routines.

To get the most from high-intensity interval training, it’s essential to pair it with diet supplements, which you can buy at Do it more often to get more benefits. Sooner or later, you’ll find that your body will begin to respond faster to the intense workouts and will begin to burn calories much quicker.


2.   Cardio Burns Fat

Your body needs fats in order to function properly. Dietary fats function by giving you more energy, supporting cell growth, and protecting your organs. Fats are also responsible for absorbing nutrients from foods that are essential in producing hormones.

However, having too much fat in the body can also adversely affect your health as these can build up in your arteries and raise cholesterol levels. Excessively consuming foods that contain too many fats can also lead to weight gain, especially if you have a sedentary lifestyle. Excess fats are stored within specialized fat cells present in your body. When this happens, these fat cells become enlarge or start creating more of them.

If you don’t want to gain any unwanted fats in your body and actually lose weight, doing some cardio exercises can help. Cardio or aerobic exercises, such as cycling, running, walking, and swimming are known to effectively burn fats in the body. According to studies, engaging in cardio exercises at least five days a week can even help you get rid of dangerous belly fats that can increase your risks of heart diseases and type 2 diabetes.

All of the points stated should encourage you to add cardio to your lifestyle as this can help you manage your weight in the long run.


3.   Lifting Weights Help You Burn More Calories

In general, all physical activities can help you burn calories. However, resistant training, like weight lifting, can provide more and better benefits. Contrary to popular belief, lifting weights isn’t just for the professionals. This physical activity may expedite your attempts in losing weight and even maintain a healthy physique.

If you want to achieve your weight loss goals faster, you should start lifting weight as it can impact your weight loss journey through the following ways:

  • Improve muscle health: Unlike other physical activities, weight lifting can also increase the amount, tone, and strength of your muscles. Your muscle’s health is important because adults generally lose about 3 to 8% of their muscle mass every ten years. Moreover, building muscles allows your body to burn more calories, even after your workout.
  • Boost metabolism: Metabolism is the chemical reaction in your body’s cells that convert food into energy. Usually, the faster your metabolism is, the faster your body can convert food into energy.  

When you regularly lift weights, you’ll be able to gain muscles that can eventually boost your metabolism. This works because muscles use a lot more energy than fat, minimizing the amount of fat stored in your body.


3 Tips To Incorporate Exercise Into Your Daily Routine

Now that you know how regular exercise can impact your weight loss journey, it’s now time to adjust your schedule to ensure that you’ll have the resources to sweat daily. When it comes to losing weight, consistency is key—you won’t be able to see results from your workouts if you’re only doing them once a week or whenever you’re available.  

If you’re a busy individual who usually has a lot of things on their plate, fret not because there are many ways on how you can incorporate exercise into your daily routine, such as the following:

1.   Walk Around Your Building

You don’t need to invest in several pieces of equipment or familiarize routines just to lose weight. Merely walking around the building is usually enough for you to exercise every day. The farther the distance you’ll walk daily, the faster you can lose weight.  

2.   Take The Stairs

Taking the elevator or escalator can be convenient, but using the stairs is healthier. Climbing the stairs can actually burn more calories than jogging and can also strengthen your muscles.

3.   Invest In A Bike

Aside from minimizing your carbon footprint, do you know that using a bike rather than driving a car can also help you lose weight? Biking is a great physical activity that can also reduce your risk of heart diseases and improve your mental wellness.  



Losing weight doesn’t only rely on eating less or dieting, but, to lose weight effectively, you need to incorporate exercise. With HIIE, you can burn more calories as the exercises are intense than regular workouts. You can also do cardio exercises to increase your metabolic rate, which helps burn your fats when your body is at rest.



HealthStatus has been operating since 1998 providing the best interactive health tools on the Internet, millions of visitors have used our health risk assessment, body fat and calories burned calculators. The HealthStatus editorial team has continued that commitment to excellence by providing our visitors with easy to understand high quality health content for many years.

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Written by HealthStatus
Medical Writer & Editor

HealthStatus has been operating since 1998 providing the best interactive health tools on the Internet, millions of visitors have used our health risk assessment, body fat and calories burned calculators. The HealthStatus editorial team has continued that commitment to excellence by providing our visitors with easy to understand high quality health content for many years.

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