3 Mood-Boosting Tips For The Late Winter Blues

The snow has frozen into icy patches on the ground or melted into slush on the sidewalks. The sky is overcast, and the trees haven’t yet started blossoming. Late winter is a difficult time of year — the winter weather, no longer fresh or exciting, has worn out its welcome. Whereas at the start of winter, your home felt like a cozy retreat, now, often, it feels like confinement.

If you’re feeling blue, you’re not alone. Luckily, there are sure-fire ways to improve your mood, even as you stay inside from the inclement weather. In this post, let’s explore three mood-boosting tips you can try from the comfort of your living room.


Sip on Adaptogens

Adaptogens are herbal, medicinal remedies chock full of beneficial bioactive compounds and metabolites that help the body deal with stress and improve mental wellness. To get the full benefits of adaptogens, try one of a few mushroom powders:

  • Chaga: East Asian cultures have prized the Chaga mushroom for centuries for its ability to promote relaxation and boost the body’s immune system.
  • Reishi: Powder from the Reishi mushroom is used to calm nerves and balance the body’s critical health systems.
  • Lion’s Mane: This ferocious-sounding mushroom is named for its resemblance to the king of the jungle’s facial hair. The name is apt: The powerful Lion’s Mane mushroom has been shown to sharpen cognitive function and boost energy.

Each of these mushroom powders can help you cultivate your mind and body as you stay inside this winter. Simply mix them with boiling water to enjoy a hot, mood-boosting beverage.


Take a Crash Course in Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a lifelong practice — a personal work-in-progress that aims to ground you in the present. That said, even getting started can have immediate, mood-boosting benefits.

There are several ways to learn mindfulness. You can buy a mindfulness audiobook, read through a mindfulness blog, or even take a course at your local university (many of which offer continuing studies courses on the practice). But an easy, free way to get started is through a YouTube channel. Check out this list from Feedspot of the 25 best mindfulness channels right now.


Combine Fun and Fitness with Dance Cardio

This winter poses a particular dilemma for avid exercisers. It’s too chilly for outdoor cardio, and many gyms are closed during the pandemic. The only option is to try and burn calories at home. Newfangled exercise bikes can be prohibitively expensive for many people, but almost everyone has access to a computer and a pair of sneakers.

That’s all you need to partake in dance cardio. Follow along with online classes, either through a class membership, pay-what-you-can Livestream or YouTube channel. Cardio is scientifically proven to improve mood, and dancing is a fun way to get the sweat flowing.


An ideal mood-boosting winter day starts with a mug of mushroom elixir and a few quiet minutes of mindfulness and ends with an at-home dance party. Don’t let the late-winter blues get you down. Take charge with these simple tips.



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Written by HealthStatus Crew
Medical Writer & Editor

HealthStatus teams with authors from organizations to share interesting ideas, products and new health information to our readers.

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