Month: March 2008

Metabolic Typing Diet– A Diet Unique to You

Foods and nutrients affect different people differently.  I am sure we all know someone who can drink 5 cups of coffee and not go haywire and then there is someone else who the minute they touch caffeine is bouncing off the walls.  Lucretius, a Roman healer and philosopher, said, “One man’s food is another man’s […]

12 Tips to Refuel and Keep Your Energy High

When our energy is high we have what it takes to conquer all that life throws at us.  Here are 12 tips to keep your energy flying and your life moving in the direction you want it to go.

Throw Out Your Previous Beliefs – COCONUT OIL IS GOOD FOR YOU

There is growing worldwide interest in the biologically active substances in coconut oil that are being identified to provide nutritional value and pharmacological effects.  Why the new buzz and new attitude about coconut oil?  Here is what I found.

Taking care of hands

Calories Burned, How many a day?

As of this writing, if you go to and type in “calories burned”, the calories burned calculator will appear as the number one, non-paid listing.   While we have a great list of over 120 different activities, it is not telling you  the whole story.   What I want to do today is […]

Are You Considering a Chemical Peel?

Millions of chemical peels are performed each year.  Today, with the public’s increasing interest in rejuvenating skin and slowing the effects of the aging process, chemical peeling has emerged as an exciting anti-aging procedure.