Year: 2008

Bad News about Belly Fat

Many of us our clued in on checking our body mass index (BMI)to determine if we need to watch our weight and that is a good indicator of healthy weight but we may also need to be checking our waist line measurements.  When you carry excess weight around your middle your risk for many conditions […]

Healthy Ideas for When You Hit the Road

You’ve been doing great watching what you eat, making healthy choices, maintaining a good exercise routine.  But what happens when you travel?  For some of us that is just a couple times per year and we are able to self correct any back sliding when we get back home but for others travel happens regularly […]

Understanding the “Eat Local” Food Movement

The “Farm-to-Table” movement, the “Slow Food” movement and “Community Supported Agriculture” (CSA) are all trying to get you to do one thing; eat locally.  That means you purchase food direct from the grower; consuming food that is grown in a radius of 100miles from where you live.

Stomach Noise

I have one of those noisy stomachs that can sound not only like an alien but a whole alien invasion.  And it doesn’t happen when I am hungry announcing to one and all that I need to eat, it happens just after I have eaten.  My family has always gotten a kick out of it, […]

Functional Foods is this Marketing or Health?

Functional Foods are processed foods that claim to have a health-promoting or a disease prevention benefit beyond basic nutrition.  For example “calcium fortified” orange juice, water that contains added vitamins, Vitamin D added to milk, and cereals with added vitamins and minerals that are sprayed on the cereal itself.  In recent years there have been […]

Interview with a Weight Loss Expert

We will approach this interview as if we have someone who wants to lose weight.  Our guest expert has a diverse background.  His credentials include personal trainer certification, 26 years of fitness experience as well as several awards as a body builder and owner of his own gym.       Using the experience and […]

Compact Fluorescent Lights Not Such a Bright Idea

We are being encouraged by our government, utilities, and public interest organizations to use the new compact fluorescent light bulbs.  But is this a good idea?  Let’s take a look.

What is all this Super Food Hype?

I think most of us will agree that good nutrition leads to better health.  And that food delivers nutrients to our bodies even better than supplements.  What is the definition of a Super Food?  Are there Super Foods that can prevent disease?     What are some Super foods?  Let’s look at some explanations.

With the Wedding Comes the Weight Gain

According to the US Census Bureau 90% of the US population will marry.  And studies are showing that being married leads to weight gain, more weight gain than our single friends.

Food Allergies: Discover the Culprits, Prevent the Symptoms

In today’s modern world, more than one-fourth of all adult Americans are convinced that some of the foods they bite into wind up biting them back with recurrent symptoms such as hives, skin rashes, diarrhea, and vomiting. In fact, these are the most common telltale signs of allergies.