Body Fat Calculator

Our Body Fat Calculator on

Basal Metabolic Rate

Is it possible to lose weight if you stay in bed all the time and do nothing? Sure, as long as you eat just enough to stay alive. The energy needed for our body to function at rest, while doing nothing, is called basal metabolic rate or BMR. It is the energy needed for our […]

Drinking alcohol

Am I Drunk?

Drinking and driving is not a good idea, regardless of how much alcohol you consumed. You do not have to be rolling drunk to have slower reflexes and impaired judgment, a deadly recipe when behind the wheel. There is a very simple calculator for how much alcohol you should drink before driving: zero. But, we […]

Understanding BMI and BMR

Using a BMI Calculator BMI, or Body Mass Index, is a measurement attained by calculating a person’s weight and dividing it by the square of their height. This does not actually measure fat, just where your weight falls on a chart as it pertains to your height. The categories that you may fall into on […]

What Is Resting Heart Rate?

When you are at rest, your heart is pumping blood at a rate that is known as the resting heart rate. This rate is almost always constant and its value can determine the health of your heart.

How Can Body Fat Be Measured?

There are many times when you are trying to lose weight, but you are not aware of the amount of body fat present in your body. This is risky because when you embark on a weight loss plan, it is best that you know how much body fat you have, so that you can make […]

What Are Heart Rate Monitors?

Measuring your heart rate is a great way of keeping track of your cardiac health. If you suffer from a cardio vascular disease, a portable heart rate monitor will help you keep a track of your heart rate while you go about your daily activities. Heart rate monitors fitted on exercise equipment help track your […]

Healthy man

Symptoms Of Low Testosterone in Men

As men age, testosterone levels in their body generally drop normally. Sometimes, low testosterone levels can adversely affect the health of men. Since this hormone is responsible for building new muscles, for deepening the voice and for revving up the sex drive in men, its lowering levels can have a negative impact on their lives.

Lou Ferrigno’s Guide to Personal Power, Bodybuilding, and Fitness

From international bodybuilding superstar Lou Ferrigno comes the revolutionary guide to achieving the ultimate in strength and performance. “The Incredible Hulk” shows readers how to perfect each area of the body by following Lou’s personal advice. With a Foreword by Joe Weider. 200 photos.  

Fun Ways to Be Fit

To get rid of the weight, you actually need to find how to get in better shape and keep in shape. There are unlimited methods to do that naturally, and only some of them are pleasurable or simple. This piece of writing is going to focus on 1 or 2 FUN methods to get in […]

Is Your Body Fit Enough to Join the Army?

If you have always wanted to join the Army, your body fat calculations should be within a recommended range prescribed by the US Army Standards of Physical Fitness. Even if you don”t want to join, you can still use Army Body Fat Calculations to stay physically fit. What is the Recommended Body Fat Range? If […]