Our COPD articles on

Useful Information To Understand And Detect COPD Lung Disease

The basic meaning of COPD lung disease is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease of lungs. This disease causes respiratory disorders and constant complexity in breathing properly.

Acute Bronchitis: Knowing About the Different Signs and Symptoms

There are quite a lot of people living today who are suffering from different kinds of respiratory illnesses. You have to consider that your respiratory health is one of the most important factors that you should consider. Many people have been disabled by chronic respiratory illnesses where the main cause is that they tend to […]

Understanding Different Humidifiers, Their Benefits And Disadvantages

Room humidifiers are basically portable units intended to provide a room with more moisture. If a person experiences sinus infections, allergies from dust, excessively dry skin or consistent symptoms of cold due to lack of moisture in the air, using a humidifier could be a good solution. Humidifiers ensure clean and healthy air quality by […]

Oxygen Therapy – An Overview

Oxygen therapy is the process of administering oxygen at concentrations higher than that in room air for treating or preventing hypoxemia i.e. not enough oxygen in the blood. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a type of oxygen therapy in which the patient is placed in an airtight chamber with oxygen under pressure.

Are You Having a Bad AIR Day?

People in industrialized countries today spend 90% of their lives inside buildings.  Unfortunately studies show that the air inside these buildings is more polluted than the outdoor air in most cities and more than 80% of us live in cities.

Understanding a Smoking Addiction

90% of all lung cancers are linked to cigarette smoking.  Tobacco use accounts for 1/3 of all types of cancers.  Why then do people continue to smoke cigarettes?

The High Cost of Smoking!

Smoking is an expensive vice. An ordinary smoker incurs enormous cost to sustain this unhealthy lifestyle and the costs do not pertain solely to him. There are adverse effects to the body, to the immediate family, to the society, to the environment and to the economy. The most obvious cost of smoking is the daily, […]