The substance abuse and eating disorders. According to the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse. The 50% of individuals with eating disorders, abused alcohol, illegal drugs, a rate that 5 times higher than the general population. And the 35% individuals who abused is dependent on alcohol and drugs have also eating disorders, a rate of 11 times higher than the general population. Compared to Bulimic women who are not also alcohol dependent, Bulimic women who were alcohol independent reported a higher rate of suicide attempts, anxiety, personality & conduct disorders and other drug dependence. Prevalence of substance abuse among those with eating disorders had suffer Anorexia nervosa, Binge eating Disorders ad Bulimia Nervosa.
Key Points:
- 150% of individuals have eating disorders, abused alcohol/illicit drugs which is a rate 5 times higher than the general population.
- 235% of individuals who abused or were dependent on alcohol or drugs have also had eating disorders which is a rate 11 times higher than the general population.
- 3Compared to bulimic women who are not also alcohol dependent, bulimic women who were alcohol-dependent reported a higher rate of suicide attempts, anxiety, personality & conduct disorders, and other drug dependence.