
Our Ovulation articles on Healthstatus.com

Women consulting a therapist

5 Top-Rated Ovulation Apps for Women Who Want to Become Pregnant

Are you struggling to conceive? Do you long for the day when you can hold your newborn baby in your arms, yet can currently only look longingly at others as they cuddle their children? Thanks to developers in the women’s health sector, there are a growing number of powerful fertility apps available to women who […]

Pregnant couple

5 Steps To Turn Love-Making Into Baby-Making

A typical healthy couple in their child-bearing years has a 20-40% chance of getting pregnant during any given month. This means, of course, that the odds of not conceiving are as high as 60-80%. If you are trying to conceive, those odds may not sound encouraging. The good news is, there are things you can […]

When Pregnancy Doesn’t Happen At The Drop Of The Hat

Some women, it seems, to get pregnant with another child as soon as they give birth. However, some women have to deal with the uncertainty of when they’re going to get pregnant. Difficulty getting pregnant can be a source of anxiety for healthy couples, and when the reason for the delay is unknown, such feelings […]

Using an Ovulation Calculator

Many women assume that it is easy to conceive. For some, it may be, but for many women, trying to conceive may involve a year or more frustration and stress. This is true for younger women who are in their optimal years of fertility as well as those who have waited to ensure a stable […]

January is Cervical Health Month

Cervical health is not something that most women think about until they go to their yearly gynecological checkup or when they think something is wrong ” “down there.”  January was designated as Cervical Health Awareness Month to alert women to the issues of the cervix, HPV and cervical cancer.

ovulation chart

Ovulation, What is it?

When a developed egg is let go from the ovary, moved though the fallopian tube and ready for fertilization, this is ovulation. The uterus lining is prepared, excited and eager to receive a fertilized egg. At this point, if there is no conception or fertilization, the uterine lining is shed through menstruation.

Hormone Replacement Therapy for Women

Hormone replacement therapy is used to treat menopausal symptoms and protect long-term health. As with most medical procedures there are pros and cons. If you have been subjected to hormone replacement what does this mean for you in the long run?

ovulation calendar

Signs of Ovulation: Ovulation Symptoms, Myths, and Facts

Women normally start looking for signs of ovulation when they are working on getting pregnant. The idea is to find the exact day when you are ovulating and then get as much sex in those few days as you can, to increase your chances of making baby. That would be fine idea if we were […]


Diet and Lifestyle Can Affect Your Fertility

Thousands of women are declared perfectly healthy, but they still cannot get pregnant. One of the most common causes for the inability to conceive is ovulatory disorder, a condition with often unknown cause. Scientists found recently that poor diet and unhealthy lifestyle might be one of the main reasons for ovulatory disorder infertility.

ovulation and fertilization

Calculating Ovulation Time

Most women do not think much about ovulation unless they are trying to get pregnant, or are trying not to get pregnant. Using estimated ovulation time as a contraceptive method is not a good idea and there are many babies that can attest to that. But, if you want to conceive, you need to know […]