Security Blanket

The strange is uncomfortable, and the familiar is reassuring. We learn this at a very young age, when we latch onto a favored item and clutch at it to feel better. The more unsettled the child might be feeling, the closer he or she will often hold the blanket, the animal, the toy. Even if mom or dad are right there, comforting the child, the security blanket object will often be there as well. So the child can double up on what’s going to help him or her get through whatever’s distressing.

Humans go through an immense amount of development as they grow, especially during the early years. Even the first month sees tremendous change, as the child absorbs new concepts and starts to grow mentally and emotionally. Recognizing parents aren’t an extension of the child, but are external people who might sometimes be there and other times not can be scary when your age can still easily be counted in days or months, not years. And what if mom or dad don’t come back? A child turning to an object they feel is theirs, something that the child can always be certain is theirs and will stay with them, helps deal with the sense that it’s scary when mom or dad aren’t there. As they mature, they’ll eventually not need it; but while they do, it can help them cope.

Key Points:

  • 1Security comfort items are used by young children to aide with tension,stress and discomfort.
  • 2Most children tend to need these security items when there are going to sleep or when there parents are away.
  • 3Children can benefit from having a security item even when they have had good parent bonding.

Children seem to need them most when they are going to sleep or visiting new places, or when they are away from their parents.


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Written by HealthStatus
Medical Writer & Editor

HealthStatus has been operating since 1998 providing the best interactive health tools on the Internet, millions of visitors have used our health risk assessment, body fat and calories burned calculators. The HealthStatus editorial team has continued that commitment to excellence by providing our visitors with easy to understand high quality health content for many years.

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