The Era of Personal DNA Testing is Here | Sebastian Kraves

How can we use genetics to improve our own lives and lives of others? Sometimes, afflictions aren’t with humans that can be seen as an epidemic. Farms had to deal with viral outbreaks with their pigs with Swine Flu and Cows with Bovine diseases. Calling the veterinarian would be a lengthy process as the time it would take to return a sample. A simpler way to detect diseases and quickly execute a treatment plan moved from a standard lab to mobile units, helping scientists and physicians identify and treat people, animals and even vegetation. DNA analysis is even useful in outer space. Astronauts do research 250 miles high in a space station traveling 17 thousand miles per hour. Under these conditions, the human body changes standard processes based on gravitational difference. Astronauts often suffer from immunosuppression. It wasn’t until a 16 year girl designed a machine that can monitor living conditions and protect the lives of astronauts. This was the mark that DNA research in accessible to common people. There are families that live with a DNA lab in their home. The father does DNA experiments with his children using vegetables from their garden. We have the ability to replicate and research extractions of DNA at home learning more about the environment in which we live. This information is useful for everyone, from farmers to children in schools.

Key Points of Video:

  • 1Now, for the first time in history, anyone can experiment with DNA at home, in their kitchen, using a device smaller than a shoebox.
  • 2And it’s at times like this that profound transformation is bound to happen; moments when a transformative, powerful technology that was before limited to a select few in the ivory tower, finally becomes within the reach of every one of us, from farmers to schoolchildren.
  • 3The ripples of the personal DNA revolution may be hard to predict, but one thing is certain: revolutions don’t go backwards, and DNA technology is already spreading faster than our imagination.

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Written by HealthStatus
Medical Writer & Editor

HealthStatus has been operating since 1998 providing the best interactive health tools on the Internet, millions of visitors have used our health risk assessment, body fat and calories burned calculators. The HealthStatus editorial team has continued that commitment to excellence by providing our visitors with easy to understand high quality health content for many years.

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