Want To Be More Creative? Go For a Walk | Marily Oppezzo

Creativity seems like an impossible task to many of us. In some ways we look at coming up with something new and different as easy, but when for most people when they sit down to do it, they get bogged down in where to start and where to go to reach that innovative end. It can be difficult to get kicked off on that first step of the creative journey.

One simple method literally involves taking that first step; go for a walk. Scientific research that tested creativity and creative output divided participants into groups. Some groups sat, others walked. The research ran the same groups through several iterations of the evaluation; placing some groups in multiple rounds of sitting, some in sit first and walk later, and more into an always walk evaluation.

The research showed that groups that walked, even if it was simply on a treadmill in a featureless room, were more likely to have higher creativity and creative output, than those who sat. The act of physical activity was enough to stimulate the brain, and allow those active participants to be more productive.

Bottom line; if you’re looking to get stimulated, for any thing that needs you to be able to come up with ideas, get active. You don’t have to get heavily energetic, just a simple walk is enough, but it will be very likely to make your brainstorms more frequent and more useful.

Key Points:

  • 1Walking versus sitting makes a big difference in our creativity.
  • 2Walk at a comfortable pace while brainstorming. Don’t over exercise.
  • 3Record as many creative ideas as you can during and after walking.


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HealthStatus has been operating since 1998 providing the best interactive health tools on the Internet, millions of visitors have used our health risk assessment, body fat and calories burned calculators. The HealthStatus editorial team has continued that commitment to excellence by providing our visitors with easy to understand high quality health content for many years.

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