Mediterranean Diet Might Help Ease Psoriasis

There has been a study conducted that suggests that the Mediterranean diet is helpful in lessening the severity of Psoriasis in patients who have it. Characterized by a large amount of fruit and vegetables as well as cereals, extra virgin olive oils, and fish, the diet has a huge anti-inflammatory effect on the body and on Psoriasis. Subjects were chosen and things like age, gender, medical history, and lifestyle choices were taken into account with the participants.

The severity of the Psoriasis in the population of the group who’s diets most resembled a Mediterranean diet reported a smaller amount of psoriasis severity.

Even though one study alone does not prove that the Mediterranean style diet treats psoriasis, this does get more scientists and researchers interest in investigating the subject further.    The researcher found that while decreasing the severity of the Psoriasis, the diet had no correlation with the actual onset of Psoriasis.

Not only is the diet helpful in the aspect of psoriasis, it also helps other chronic illnesses that are involved with systemic inflammation. Psoriasis inflammation being an illness that is brought on or triggered mostly due to environmental factors, can be alleviated from within such as a change of diet. While the routine medical treatments available today remain the most effective treatment for Psoriasis, adding a change in diet to the Mediterranean diet can significantly augment the the treatment of Psoriasis flare ups.

Key Points:

  • 1What you eat can have an impact on inflammation and disease.
  • 2Those who already had psoriasis and followed the Mediterranean diet were 22-29% more likely to have a less severe form of psoriasis.
  • 3The statistics from this study only showed correlation not causation.

Previous studies have found the diet is associated with a lower risk of chronic systemic inflammation, which has been linked to heart disease as well as conditions like psoriasis.

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Written by HealthStatus
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HealthStatus has been operating since 1998 providing the best interactive health tools on the Internet, millions of visitors have used our health risk assessment, body fat and calories burned calculators. The HealthStatus editorial team has continued that commitment to excellence by providing our visitors with easy to understand high quality health content for many years.

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