Adjusting To The New Normal

As 2020 continues, there seems to be an unending series of cancellations, restrictions and closures. And while it’s understandable to want things to go back to pre-coronavirus conditions, the fact is that the virus will be a determining factor in the world until there is a vaccine or an effective treatment. It is necessary to adjust to the new normal, including finding new ways to cope.


Adapting a New Vocabulary                                              

A year ago, almost no one outside the fields of science and medicine had any idea what terms like “social distancing,” “PPE,” “contact tracing” or “flattening the curve” meant. Today, each of these terms has become part of our daily vocabulary. However, these terms, along with other mitigation factors such as wearing masks and frequent hand washing are more than just catchphrases. They represent the necessities that face us if we wish to reduce the number of lives lost, not to mention minimizing the damage to the economy. The fact is, in the absence of an effective treatment or vaccine, these mitigation factors represent the only strategies available to minimize the impact of COVID-19.


Separating Fact From Fiction          

It’s natural to want a magic bullet that will wipe out COVID-19 and allow life to return to normal. However, tactics such as drinking bleach or spraying yourself with Lysol are not only ineffective, they’re downright dangerous. Other rumored means of preventing or curing coronavirus, such as taking hot baths or drinking a lot of water are, in fact, beneficial. However, neither is an effective way of treating or preventing COVID-19.


Finding New Ways to Stay Connected

Virtual meetings, Facetime chats and Zoom conferences may seem like pale imitations of meetings in the office, get-togethers with friends and special events; however, for the foreseeable future, it will be necessary to make do with these substitutes in both work and leisure. Many people have developed innovative ways of maintaining connections, like holding virtual dinner parties or playing games via video chat. And if all that technology has gotten to be too much, old school phone calls and letters are excellent ways of staying in touch.


Regaining a Sense of Control

With so much that is beyond our control, it’s natural to want to re-establish as much routine as possible. However, the reality is that it will probably be many months before circumstances return to pre-coronavirus conditions. One way to avoid despair is to practice self-care. Get outdoors as much as possible and avoid overdosing on the news.

Another way of regaining a sense of normalcy is to deal with factors that are within your control. Take advantage spending more time at home by getting your affairs in order. Tackle that DIY home repair project. Re-evaluate your finances. Now is a great time to do comparison shopping for cheaper car insurance polices or determining whether you need more life insurance.


Thriving Through the Pandemic

This pandemic has disrupted everyday life around the globe. However, the silver lining is that it also provides an opportunity to develop resilience. By adapting to the new normal through establishing new ways to stay connected, practicing self care and taking control of things like personal finances, you can maintain your morale, and be prepared not only to survive now, but also to thrive once the pandemic has passed.




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Written by HealthStatus Crew
Medical Writer & Editor

HealthStatus teams with authors from organizations to share interesting ideas, products and new health information to our readers.

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