What Non-Medical Jobs In The Health Industry Will Have High Demand?

Most people know that the job market is dynamic and that its trends are dictated by the most basic of economic forces: supply and demand. Knowing which professions are in demand will help you plan your career ahead. While it’s true that you shouldn’t plan your entire career around whatever’s in demand, you have to consider that when there’s high demand in a particular field, there are also a lot of opportunities. Here are some of the fields that you might want to consider in the next few years:


Healthcare Management

While there will always be a high demand for healthcare services, last year’s pandemic put a significant strain on the healthcare industry and its effects can still be felt to this day. Specializations in virology and lung health, as well as roles such as a Health Services Manager are all going to be in demand not just for the current public health emergency, but also for the succeeding years because of how we are now more aware of how a lapse in health protocols can affect a population.



Logistics is another area that is likely to experience a high demand because of the high number of online businesses and startups being established as well as the high demand for medicines and medical supplies. E-commerce is booming, and any reservations people had in the industry are now gone thanks to our dependence on the market. We are creatures of habit, after all, and many people have gotten comfortable with the idea of e-commerce.



Our increased dependence on the internet has made us particularly vulnerable to cyber attacks. This is especially true for small businesses that don’t invest in security measures. The more people there are online, the more points of vulnerability there are. Small businesses are prime targets due to the ease with which cybercriminals are able to gain access to their networks. Considering that many future technologies are going to be heavily dependent on the internet, cybersecurity is going to be a prime industry soon if it isn’t one already.


Digital Marketing

As more businesses open, the market is bound to become more competitive. An effective digital marketing campaign is what’s going to set businesses apart from their competitors because this will allow them to leverage the internet to generate more traffic and sales. However, digital marketing is more complex than it sounds because this field deals much more with data analytics. The roles are highly specialized and businesses pay good money for a solid marketing approach.

This is also one of the fields that is resistant to economic downturns. While most industries were experiencing a decrease in revenue during the pandemic, the digital marketing industry not only remained stable, it experienced rapid growth as well.


Fitness Trainers and Nutritionists

The health industry is not just about the business of curing diseases. It is also about preventing them. The value of a strong body cannot be emphasized enough during the pandemic. It was during this period when people began to take their health more seriously. This trend started a few years ago and has only continued to rise.

Take note that because there’s likely going to be an increase in first time fitness practitioners. This means that the demand for trainers and nutritionists will also increase, especially when you consider that each person is a unique fitness case and will require a tailored exercise routine and diet.


App Development

Mobile apps have seen an increased use during the lockdowns, as they helped people get things done even from the comforts of their homes. The same trend will continue as we introduce new internet-based technologies, such as the internet of things and 5G networks, as these things will change the way we interact with our devices

This is particularly important in a heavily-strained health industry, whether it’s for an app that can help doctors monitor their patient remotely, or in apps that can help streamline the clerical tasks in the health industry. This will not only help expedite the turnaround time in hospitals, but it will also help reduce the fatigue experienced by the team members who are tasked with clerical tasks such as keeping patient records, processing health insurance, and many others. Apps are what make mobile hardware functional, and they even grant our devices more utility through a bit of developer creativity.


These industries are great places to start a career, not just because of the increased demand and the numerous opportunities, but also because these industries are the ones that are going to be most resilient. We are nearing a technological step forward, and these industries are going to form a major core of the market.




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Written by HealthStatus Crew
Medical Writer & Editor

HealthStatus teams with authors from organizations to share interesting ideas, products and new health information to our readers.

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